Chapter 244 Are You Threatening Me?

"It's understandable that you hate me, but why do you hate Shaoqing together?

Were you not good brothers before?

This time, he is willing to sign a contract with you with such a low endorsement fee to compensate you. "

"Hehe." You Haoze laughed lightly, his voice was cold: "Xin Ying, you are teaming up with Zhong Shaoqing to bully me, right?"

On the back of love, in addition to hate, there is also indifference.

The more You Haoze hated her, it meant that he loved her more deeply before, so much so that he hated the innocent Zhong Shaoqing together.

In his heart, she and Zhong Shaoqing were a couple, and he had done these things in order to get revenge on her and Zhong Shaoqing.

Realizing this, it was like seeing the dawn in the darkness before dawn, and Xin Ying's already desperate heart was rekindled with hope.

Suddenly, she stared at You Haoze, and raised the corners of her lips ambiguously.

"You and Lin Zitong are together to anger me, right?
You made all these entertainment news, you did it for me on purpose, didn't you?

Don't lie to yourself, you still have me in your heart! "

You Haoze's patience was almost exhausted by Xin Ying, and he couldn't help but sneer.

"People often say that I am shameless, but Miss Xin is even more shameless than me."

Xin Ying curled her lips into a smile: "If you are close to vermilion, you will be red and if you are close to ink, you will be black. I have been with you for so long, and I still have a little bit of your breath."

At this moment, hearing Xin Ying reluctantly mentioning the past, You Haoze was really irritated.

"I love Lin Zitong very much.

Did you hear me clearly? "

If you hear me clearly, you can go now.You Haoze endured and endured, so he didn't utter this foul word.

"Oh, you love her very much?"

Xin Ying approached him and said with a sly smile: "Then if we let her know about us, do you think she will break up with you in a fit of anger?"

Hearing this, You Haoze narrowed his black eyes, took a breath, and his body froze.

He suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness, as if he saw a fresh and jumping fish and asked him to remove the scales with his bare hands.

Fortunately, he often negotiates and fights in the business field, and he has already developed a strong heart.

He didn't know what was going on in his heart, and he tried to maintain a calm and solemn appearance on his face.

After a while, dissatisfaction shot out of his eyes.

"Miss Xin, what exactly do you want?"

"Mr. You, what I said just now was very clear."

You Haoze sneered, and his eyes pierced Xin Ying's body.

"You threaten me?
Oh, you really don't know me very well.

Don't you understand that I have never been threatened? "

Xin Ying hooked her lips gracefully: "How can it be called a threat? I just want her to know the truth."

"You'd better not be so self-defeating. It really won't do you any good."

The corners of You Haoze's mouth raised wickedly, and he smiled contentedly.

"I understand my woman, between me and outsiders, she will stand by me unconditionally."

Xin Ying stared straight at him, as if wanting to look into his heart, and chuckled lightly.

"Really? Let's wait and see."

In the CEO's office, Lin Zitong flipped through the documents absently, but he was thinking about You Haoze.

She put down the document and just stood up, Hua Qiang immediately looked towards her vigilantly.

Staying in the office with a man, she felt something very strange, hesitated for a long time, but she couldn't help but say it.

"Assistant Hua, you can go and do your work. I can just wait for Mr. You here by myself. I don't need anyone to accompany me."

Hua Qiang was obviously taken aback, shrugged in embarrassment, and smiled honestly.

"Mrs. You, just treat me as a transparent person."

(End of this chapter)

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