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Chapter 247 Did You Pretend You Didn't See It?

Chapter 247 Did You Pretend You Didn't See It?

"I'll be with you."

"Are you sure? Xinyi sent me a message just now, and she will come over later."

You Haoze changed his tone, paused, and added: "Young Master Li drove her here. This Young Master Li is really outrageous. He abducted Xinyi, which made Xinyi often skip classes recently. Her counselor even called her home."

Hearing the word Li Shao, Lin Zitong's scalp tingled, and he strongly wanted to avoid it.

She had to change her words: "Then you should send me back first."

On the way back home, the car was a little dull.

You Haoze's eyes were deep, his face was calm, he kept his eyes on the front, and drove seriously.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Lin Zitong could see the red lip print as long as he turned his head.

So she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

Finally, the car drove to the door of the house.

You Haoze took his hand off the steering wheel and held her hand.

"You're home, don't pretend to be asleep."

Lin Zitong opened his eyes and looked out the car window blankly.

You Haoze couldn't help but look sideways at her, leaned over and said in her ear.

"Are you pretending not to see?"

Lin Zitong naturally knew what he was asking, turned his head, smiled and blinked at him twice.

"I've seen it a long time ago."

"Why don't you care?" He looked down at her with a faint smile, their noses almost touching.

At least it has to be a little weird.

Lin Zitong had a gentle expression and a calm voice: "It's just a red lip mark, it's no big deal."

You Haoze's expression moved slightly, he couldn't help but tapped her head with his fingers, his black eyes were filled with a happy smile.

"Heh, aren't you jealous at all?"

"Jealous? I saw her put red lips on it with my own eyes, why are you still jealous?

Didn't she just want to provoke our relationship?I'm not going to fall for her. "

Lin Zitong's smile was the same as before, but his heart was slightly sour.

She watched Xin Ying play tricks and imprint the red lips on his tie.

However, what she saw more clearly was that You Haoze had the opportunity to stop Xin Ying, but he didn't.

Rather than saying that Xin Ying is sowing discord, it is better to say that You Haoze is testing her bottom line.

Flies don't bite seamless eggs, and butterflies don't attract bees without honey.

If You Haoze really hated Xin Ying as he seemed on the surface, then he would never let Xin Ying get close to him.

He is obsessed with cleanliness, but he can tolerate Xin Ying staining his white shirt, which shows that he and Xin Ying have an unusual relationship.

Knowing that You Haoze has a ghost in his heart, she doesn't want to expose him.

You Haoze looked at her quietly for a while, then said to her tenderly: "Honey, it's good to have you."

"Okay, don't be unhappy."

Lin Zitong opened the car door, got out of the car and confessed.

"Go back to work."

You Haoze stopped the car and got out of the car.

Lin Zitong turned her head and looked at him puzzled.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of You Haoze's lips, and he explained in a low voice: "I have to go back to my room and change my shirt."

Hearing this sentence, she was very sure that You Haoze was trying to test her endurance.

Because whether it was in the car or in the company, he had prepared his change of clothes, but he had to wait until now to change at home.

She really wants to ask him, but don't you have anything to say to me?

But he opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

"I have dinner tonight, I should be back late, don't wait for me."

You Haoze had already changed his shirt, and while wearing a tie, he spoke to her in a gentle tone.

During this period of time, he was clinging to her almost every day, wishing to be accompanied by her wherever he went, Lin Zitong was used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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