Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 248 You Haoze's popularity has soared all the way, and he has been on the hot search li

Chapter 248 You Haoze's popularity has soared all the way, and he has been on the hot search list for a long time.

Suddenly, telling her not to wait for him, she felt a little empty in her heart.

However, as soon as she thought that You Xinyi and Li Xinyou would go to the company to find him, and that he would probably be with them for dinner at night, she would not be interested in participating.

Of course, seeing him like that, he didn't intend to let her attend.

After You Haoze left, Lin Zitong turned on the computer and surfed the Internet, scrolling through entertainment news and Weibo.

Within a few hours, the celebrity interview that You Haoze participated in spread, and his name filled the entertainment headlines of major newspapers and magazines.

You Haoze's crazy obsession with her in front of the media reporters brought a dramatic change to the whole thing.

His affectionate confession in front of many media deeply touched the hearts of countless female fans.

Many entertainment websites live-streamed You Haoze's confession with pictures and texts, and carefully pointed out that when You Haoze confessed, he was undisguised in front of the camera, and the love in his heart was beyond words.

When he mentioned Lin Zitong, his eyes lit up.

This confession made You Haoze a model of an infatuated man, and made many female Internet celebrities dazed, moved by him and expressed their support for him.

Now, You Haoze's popularity has soared all the way, and he has been on the hot search list for a long time.

Because You Haoze's confession caused huge repercussions and sensations, he regained a lot of points for his image.

However, Zhong Shaoqing is the king of popularity after all, and the national male god is by no means in vain. A large number of fans support Zhong Shaoqing.

As a result, fans who supported Zhong Shaoqing and You Haoze fought on the Internet and tore up.

Because the fan base supporting Zhong Shaoqing is huge, the fans who support You Haoze are slightly weaker.

In the fan battle between the two sides, it was Lin Zitong who was hurt, and all the public opinion pointed at her.

The largest entertainment website has carried out an in-depth report on the whole incident with oil and vinegar.

The report claimed that Lin Zitong had sparks with Zhong Shaoqing during filming, and the relationship between the two was ambiguous inside and outside the play.

This made her suitor You Haoze extremely jealous.

In the end, You Haoze was provoked by Zhong Shaoqing and publicly confessed.

This half-truth and half-fabricated report instantly aroused countless attention.

For a while, Lin Zitong, who was the fuse of the incident, was once again pushed to the forefront of public opinion.

There are all kinds of words to scold her on the Internet.

Hook three and four, flirtatious, move towards Qin Muchu, see differences and change, attract bees and butterflies...

Seeing the words condemning her all over the screen, Lin Zitong felt like crying.

I really don't know when this storm/wave of public opinion will pass.

"If you want to leave, I won't stay. The love you keep will not last long..."

A burst of mobile phone ringing brought Lin Zitong's attention back to reality.

Looking at the caller ID, she picked it up immediately.

Rong Jing's call at this time must be because of You Haoze's affairs.

Lin Zitong guessed that Rong Jing came to boast of You Haoze again, after all he performed so brilliantly in celebrity interviews.

Who knows, after the call was connected, Rong Jing asked anxiously.

"Zitong, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Lin Zitong was slightly taken aback, then smiled easily. "What can I do?"

It's just some negative remarks that are not good for her, and she can bear it.

You Haoze is right, as long as he doesn't care, it's fine, there's no need to care what others say or think.

"Oh, it's fine, I thought something was wrong with you." Rong Jing took a deep breath, as if relieved.

Hearing this, Lin Zitong was puzzled and asked inexplicably.

"what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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