Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 265 Looking at the battle of the paparazzi, it's like an awards ceremony.

Chapter 265 Looking at the battle of the paparazzi, it's like an awards ceremony.

Seeing his ten fingers flying on the mobile phone to reply to the text messages, she felt a little overwhelmed, and kept looking at him unconsciously.

He didn't move his chopsticks and kept staring at his phone.

Feeling stuffy, Lin Zitong walked out of the private room one after the other with You Haoze, and Lin Zitong left the peaked cap and sunglasses on the dining table.

She never dreamed that when You Haoze walked out of the restaurant a few steps ahead, the flashing lights outside joined together.

Lin Zitong was dumbfounded immediately, the paparazzi surrounded outside were taking pictures with their cameras.

Watching the battle of the paparazzi was like an awards ceremony.

In the past few days with You Haoze, she has not encountered the paparazzi's follow-up, so that she has let her guard down.

Where expected, will encounter paparazzi in this situation.

This was the first time she faced the media after the scandal. She was at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it.

She didn't know what to do, she didn't know how those paparazzi would make things difficult for her later.

She just took a step back subconsciously, and suppressed the panic in her heart.

Fortunately, thanks to the makeup she put on when she went out in the morning, the fatigue from last night did not show on her face at all.

What appeared in front of the camera was her delicate face with a little makeup on.

The paparazzi have already swarmed forward, long and short microphones and cameras, all aimed at her.

The flashes came on more and more violently, followed by all kinds of sharp questions from the paparazzi.

"Miss Lin Zitong, the big star Zhong Shaoqing and the big president You Haoze are vying to confess to you first, who do you like more?"

"Miss Lin Zitong, it is widely rumored that you and Mr. Zhong Shaoqing were in love while filming. Is this true?"

"Miss Lin Zitong, how is your relationship with Mr. You Haoze?"

"Miss Lin Zitong, how does it feel to be chased by so many outstanding men?"

"Miss Lin Zitong, can you teach me the secrets of controlling men on the spot?"

"Miss Lin Zitong, what is your criteria for choosing a spouse?"

More and more acute questions were thrown one after another.

Lin Zitong lowered his head and said nothing.

At this time, keeping silent is the wisest choice, and it is the best policy to respond to all changes with the same.

It is impossible for her to yell at the paparazzi like other celebrity entertainers.

"It's better to ask me that question."

Behind Lin Zitong, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

You Haoze is dressed in formal attire, with a white shirt and black suit and trousers. He has an outstanding temperament and is handsome. He looks a bit out of place in this crowded and noisy environment.

As soon as he made a sound, he immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

The surroundings became silent.

"What is her mate selection mark? I can answer this question for her.

You can go to the living room, go to the kitchen, and go to the bed. "

Lin Zitong's face became hot, and he took a deep breath.

You Haoze walked towards Lin Zitong, with an unprecedented sense of aggression in his black eyes, he took the time to watch her blushing and guilty.

All the flashing lights gathered on the two of them, as if they wanted to drill countless holes in them.

At this time, You Haoze still took it calmly, facing the cameras of many paparazzi calmly, stretched out his hand to Lin Zitong.

He stared at her with starry black eyes, with a faint brilliance in them, and a gentle smile on his handsome face.

Lin Zitong's heart was pounding, like fifteen buckets pumping water—up and down.

In this case, she was not allowed to hesitate and struggle for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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