Chapter 266 Don't You Have Eyes?
She had no choice but to cooperate with him, holding his hand calmly, her eyes seemed to be full of affection.

You Haoze immediately held her back, his left hand intertwined with the ten fingers of her right hand.

Lin Zitong was very disturbed in her heart, she blamed You Haoze a little bit.

If You Haoze hadn't insisted on challenging Zhong Shaoqing, she would not have encountered this scene.

"Miss Lin Zitong, are you choosing to be with Mr. You Haoze?"

What's up with these paparazzi?

Why You Haoze was so active in answering questions, they didn't ask him, but they wanted to catch her to ask questions.

Is it because she looks better at talking?
Lin Zitong just blinked and smiled without saying a word.

Seeing that his wife was still unwilling to openly admit their relationship under such circumstances, You Haoze narrowed his black eyes, and his eyes became sharp and compelling.

"Don't you have eyes?"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

This is a bit hurtful to say.

The faces of many paparazzi present were varied and ever-changing.

Lin Zitong squinted at You Haoze's expression, and was a little dumbfounded.

This guy is really brazen.

Not only is it unscrupulous in words and deeds, but also extremely arrogant!
However, those paparazzi were a little afraid of him and seemed to be overwhelmed by him.

Perhaps, those paparazzi were found by him, and this scene might have been carefully arranged by You Haoze himself.

The faces of the paparazzi present changed rapidly, ranging from surprise to bewilderment, and then suddenly.

The two held hands, You Haoze looked at Lin Zitong with gentle eyes full of nostalgia, the two of them were very close and intimate.

She stood beside him, her hair was not coiled up, hanging on her shoulders like wicker in early spring, so soft and so shiny, holding hands and shoulders with him.

Holding Ruhua Meijuan by his side, he looked down at her with such gentle and doting eyes.

He loves her very much, and everyone present can see it.

The relationship between them is self-evident.

"When did you two start dating?"

Among the crowd, a loud and extremely familiar voice caught Lin Zitong's attention.

She raised her head slightly and saw Xiao Zifeng in surprise.

Xiao Zifeng was carrying a video camera, standing among a group of paparazzi, and was passing the microphone in front of the two of them at the moment.

Why did Xiao Zifeng appear on such an occasion without notifying her in advance?
It made her defenseless at all.

And You Haoze's demeanor gave her the feeling that he knew this scene in advance, calm and unhurried.

Could it be that You Haoze and Xiao Zifeng conspired to fix this drama?

Her smile was suppressed, and her heart was a little stuffy.

In just a moment, she quickly adjusted her expression and smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth.

Seeing acquaintances among the many paparazzi is finally a joyful thing, which makes Lin Zitong feel more at ease.

A bosom friend for many years, even though Xiao Zifeng had colluded with You Haoze, she still believed in Xiao Zifeng, and he would not cheat her.

Her eyes turned to You Haoze, and her eyes desperately conveyed the message of 'you answer'.

You Haoze's gaze wandered around among the crowd, and finally settled on Lin Zitong.

"Tongtong and I have been together for a long time, since it was photographed, we can only make it public."

Tongtong?Lin Zitong's face froze slightly.

This title is too nasty, and he is embarrassed in front of so many paparazzi.

"Miss Lin Zitong, since you and Mr. You Haoze have been together for a long time, why didn't you make it public? Is it to take care of the fans?"

The voice was so familiar, one didn't need to look at Lin Zitong to know that it was Xiao Zifeng who was asking her a question.

Xiao Zifeng's question is obviously in her favor, just to find a way out for her.

(End of this chapter)

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