Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 324 He has a child with another woman...

Chapter 324 He has a child with another woman...

After starting the car, Lin Zitong slowly drove the car out of the downtown area.

Due to the stranded vehicles, the seemingly short distance actually took a long time.

Beside the wide road are ornamental trees full of energy, against the blue sky and white clouds, everything looks so pure and beautiful.

But why is there a fog in front of her eyes, as if covered with a thick layer of dust?
All kinds of memories flashed clearly in her mind. Although You Haoze's handsome face was very familiar, it felt very strange to her at this moment.

He has a child with another woman...

Pain always comes after you know it.

Suddenly, she felt tight in her chest and felt a little out of breath.

With tears in her eyes, she held the steering wheel harder and harder.

Suddenly, when the car was turning, it slammed into the pier and made a harsh braking sound.

Lin Zitong leaned forward, her body bounced heavily on the seat due to the impact, her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

She couldn't see her expression, but she could feel that her face must be as white as paper.

His body trembled subconsciously, and he felt goosebumps all over his body, as if the whole world collapsed in an instant.

The sports car stalled and the hood had been crushed.

Fortunately, people are fine.

Oh my god, it hurts her heart that her husband cheated on her, but she really didn't want to die.

Lin Zitong clasped his hands tightly on the steering wheel, lowered his face and leaned on the back of his hands, and took a deep breath.

Recalling the experience just now, she was still in shock, and a thin layer of cold sweat oozed from her forehead.

A kind of horror beyond usual spread quietly, and she suddenly had the feeling of causing trouble.When he was with You Haoze, he always insisted on driving by himself or letting the driver drive instead of letting her drive.

He also joked that the female driver is a road killer.

A long time ago, once he was rear-ended by a female driver, and the two parties made an appointment to determine the damage.As a result, after waiting for more than an hour, the female driver arrived late.Apologize when you meet: I'm sorry, I rubbed someone else's car again when I came here.

At that time, when he told her about it, she only thought he was joking, and she was very unconvinced.Unexpectedly, he really hit it off, and today she really became a street killer.

Fortunately, she was driving a tens of millions of luxury cars, otherwise it would not be as simple as a car crash.

When Lin Zitong calmed down, the patrolling traffic policeman had already discovered the accident and rushed over here.

Lin Zitong put on his sunglasses, and as soon as he got out of the car, he was questioned by the not-so-good-tempered traffic policeman.

"what happened?"

Seeing that the other party was a young man, she instinctively felt that it should be easier to communicate, so she shrugged her hair behind her ears in embarrassment.

"I accidentally bumped into a bridge pier, so I can deal with it as I want."

The other party was on the line: "Can you drive? There are no cars on this road, and you can run into it yourself? Take out your driver's license and have a look!"

Lin Zitong handed over her driver's license, and the young traffic policeman frowned again when he saw that her hands were wrapped in gauze.

"You hurt your hand, you still..."

But when his eyes came into contact with the photo and the name on the driver's license, he was stunned for a moment, and then he stopped talking.

Now, the name of Lin Zitong's face can be said to be a household name, and the traffic policeman naturally recognized her, so it's not surprising to have such a reaction.

However, what to do or what to do, the traffic police did not show favoritism just because she was a public figure.

"Drag people and cars back to the institute!"

 The happiness you promised turned out to be just a beautiful mirage. I ran over, and all I touched was solid pain.

(End of this chapter)

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