Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 325 You are still the same as before, and you don't care about any injuries.

Chapter 325 You are still the same as before, and you don't care about any injuries.

Lin Zitong coughed lightly, with a low voice, and with a bit of guilt, asked softly, "It didn't hurt anyone, can we deal with it lightly?"

"It's serious when you hurt someone. Don't think you're going to get special treatment just because you're a big star."

Lin Zitong didn't say anything more, and when he was about to be taken back to the police station by the traffic police, a police car came behind him.

Zhuang Xiaosa, who had just finished handling a criminal case and was about to go back to the office, did not expect to run into Lin Zitong here.

Zhuang Xiaosa stopped the car, got out of the car, and ran over quickly, talking on the phone while running.

"What's the matter, what happened?"

"Brother Xiao Sa..." Seeing the savior, Lin Zitong bit his lip and looked at him, as if seeing a savior, he was surprised and happy, his eyes sent a signal for help.

The burly and tall young traffic policeman called out respectfully, "Ah sir!"

"What's happening?"

Zhuang Xiaosa scanned the scene and saw the deformed sports car, he already had a solid idea.He wanted to speak for Lin Zitong, so he asked the traffic police first.

"She crashed the bridge pier with her car. She will be fined at least [-] yuan and will be detained for [-] days!"

After hearing the traffic policeman's words, Zhuang Xiaosa's eyes flickered with a stern look, he nodded after pondering for a moment.

"The claim is settled."

As he said that, his tone changed, and his voice became much colder: "Let's forget about the detention, it's not a big deal, and it didn't hurt anyone."

The young traffic policeman lowered his head and said to him seriously: "Why is this not a big deal? If you hurt someone, it's not as simple as detention, you have to go to jail."

Lin Zitong was bluffed by the words of the traffic policeman, his palms suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and his heart beat so violently that it almost jumped out of his chest.

He said it firmly, but he didn't let go: "Sir, you can't just because she is your friend..."

He said the word 'selfishness' in the back extremely softly, but Zhuang Xiaosa and Lin Zitong still heard it.

Is Brother Xiao Sa a person who is selfish?Lin Zitong didn't think so, remembering the last time he led people to make trouble in Jiangbeikang, the capital of fashion, he even brought You Haoze and her back to the police station.

If Brother Xiao Sa hadn't revealed it himself, she wouldn't even know that he knew You Hao Ze well.According to his attitude towards things, there is no favoritism at all.

Zhuang Xiaosa's originally stern and serious face gradually softened, and he looked at him with approval in his eyes.

He seemed to want to laugh, but tried to maintain a calm and solemn look, and said to the traffic police: "Brother, am I helping her? I'm helping you. Do you know who she is?"


Zhuang Xiaosa snorted lightly, his face tightened, a little bit of mystery.

"She is the wife of You Haoze, the president of You Group, do you really want to detain her?"

You Haoze's wife?Didn't you say it was just a girlfriend?

Maybe, this young traffic policeman is not afraid of offending Lin Zitong, a big star, but he is really afraid of You Haoze.

The president of the You Group did not follow the rules, but fortunately, it was not a big deal.

"Okay, pay the fine, [-]."

A ticket was issued, handed over to Lin Zitong, and the traffic police left.

"Zitong, what happened to your hand?"

Zhuang Xiaosa stared at her with gentle eyes and concern, and his words carried a bit of distress.

The two stood very close, Lin Zitong was uncomfortable with his gaze, his face was serious, and he said in a low voice: "It's okay, just a little injury."

A dim light flashed across his eyes quickly, and he said in a relaxed tone: "You are still the same as before, and you don't care about any injuries."

 Well, today's tenth update is over.

  From the chapter, we can see that many people cannot accept the fact that Xin Ying is pregnant.

  Hey, she is so lucky, she got pregnant in one go, and I feel very helpless.

  I hope you don't abandon me because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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