Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 447 This is Shaoqing's rumored girlfriend Lin Zitong, not Mrs. You.

Chapter 447 This is Shaoqing's rumored girlfriend Lin Zitong, not Mrs. You.

Is it because Zhong Shaoqing confessed to her in public and acted as a couple with her on the show?Should not be!
Xiao Zifeng said that Sun Yuewen's boyfriend is Qi Yuxuan, how could she be jealous of her and Zhong Shaoqing?

Then why did Sun Yuewen have such an annoyed attitude towards her?

After a while, the corners of Sun Yuewen's lips raised slightly, and she whispered with a smile: "Zhuzhu, come and sit."

With that said, Sun Yuewen winked at her assistant Diao Qingqing, signaling her to bring a chair over.

Assistant Diao Qingqing took advantage of Sun Yuewen's position, took the chair next to Lin Zitong that was reserved for Su Shanshan, and forcibly moved it away without saying hello.

No matter how sharp Lin Zitong was, she could tell that Sun Yuewen was deliberately targeting her.

He looked at himself coldly, and looked at Zhuzhu with a smile.

Su Shanshan was so angry that she wanted to take back the chair, but Lin Zitong held her back.Before she figured out the situation, she didn't want to rush into conflicts.

"Zhuzhu, this time you will play Mei Er, the heroine's maid, and you will have a few scenes with Shaoqing."

Ok?Lin Zitong was taken aback when he heard that, Zhuzhu is going to play the maid Meier?No wonder she was able to join the crew.

Before, she had guessed Zhuzhu's identity and thought she was a nightclub girl, but she didn't expect that she was also an actress?
It suddenly dawned on her, no wonder Zhuzhu recognized her immediately that night, it turned out to be a colleague.

Before that, Zhuzhu, the capital of singing and fashion, invited her to dance. It seemed that she danced well, but she had some foundation.But, for some reason, after dancing and jumping, Zhuzhu disappeared.

Now, Zhuzhu is playing Meier, and she is playing Yanxiang. Wouldn't the two have many scenes against each other?

Sun Yuewen raised her lips and continued word by word.

"I have acted with Shaoqing several times before, and I know that he has very high demands on the female artists who play opposite him, and he will point out on the spot if he does not perform well. So, if he points out your problems, do you think he will participate in the show?" If you don’t understand, you can ask me.”

The words sounded very friendly, as if they were teaching Zhuzhu.In fact, they are flaunting that they are awesome.

To Lin Zitong's ears, it seemed like he was protesting against her.Because, in the drama that is about to start filming, she plays the female lead, Zhong Shaoqing, and the male lead, and it's commonplace for the two of them to play opposite each other.

"Well, thank you, Sun Yinghou, for your suggestion." Zhuzhu looked at Sun Yuewen and smiled.

"Sister Shanshan, sit here, I'll go to the bathroom."

Inexplicably feeling that the air in the whole dressing room was dull, Lin Zitong wanted to go out for a breath of air.

Just as she was getting up from her seat, Zhuzhu suddenly called her.

"Hi, Mrs. You, we meet again."

These words were a bit familiar, but Lin Zitong was startled to hear them in this situation.

She and You Haoze chose to marry secretly from the very beginning, and few people outside knew that she was married, let alone that her husband was You Haoze.

So when Zhuzhu called out, everyone in the dressing room paid attention to this side.

Lin Zitong hastily denied it: "You have identified the wrong person."

Zhuzhu narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she understood something, she didn't speak any more.

"Hehe! Zhuzhu, you really misunderstood someone. This is Shaoqing's rumored girlfriend Lin Zitong, not Mrs. You." There was a chuckle next to her, and Sun Yuewen's voice was mocking.

"Zhuzhu, she is very capable, don't underestimate her. She is the heroine of "The Young Master with a Fan", and you have to cooperate with her in the filming of the filming crew in the future."

Assistant Diao Qingqing answered the call immediately, with a low voice, a yin and yang tone.

"It's a pity, Miss Yuewen's acting skills are absolutely superb. Originally, the heroine of "The Young Master with a Fan" was yours, but someone snatched it away. These days, as long as you are willing to be submerged, is there any role you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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