Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 448 You keep saying that you don't rely on men, how did the heroine come about?

Chapter 448 You keep saying that you don't rely on men, how did the heroine come about?

Is Sun Yuewen the default heroine of "The Son with a Fan"?Lin Zitong was taken aback for a moment, she didn't know anything about it beforehand.

As for what Diao Qingqing said later, she didn't pay attention.

Zhuzhu observed the words and expressions, and echoed: "That's right, Sun Yinghou's acting skills are of course nothing to say, the actress is not just a name, she is many times better than some people who became famous overnight."

"Relying on gossip, what kind of gold can there be?" Sun Yuewen chuckled again.

The assistant Diao Qingqing spoke quickly, and quickly answered: "I don't know how many times I have been in the dark, and I have worked so hard to get the role. Sister Yuewen, don't be too brilliant when you are filming, lest the director can't stand it and have to change it temporarily." The heroine... that would have wasted all the effort others have spent on it!"

This Diao Qingqing is a little girl, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, she dares to say anything, and she is not afraid of offending others.

As she spoke, she and Sun Yuewen laughed softly.

This time, Lin Zitong could hear clearly, and couldn't help frowning, his face turned gray, and his voice was already cold.

"Diao Qingqing, what do you mean by that?"

Assistant Diao Qingqing didn't shy away, and replied straightforwardly: "Of course it is literally. You keep saying that you don't rely on men, how did the heroine get here? It wasn't Zhong Shao who helped you fight for it! Without him, you think you can act Did you get the role?"

"That's right, I was originally assigned the role, but Shaoqing got in the way and replaced it with you."

Sun Yuewen's eyes became sharp and menacing, and she looked directly at her: "Lin Zitong, did you hear clearly? Don't you have a backbone and don't rely on men? Do it for us!"

Zhong Shaoqing fought for this role for her?Lin Zitong looked at Su Shanshan, only to see Su Shanshan roll her eyes guiltily.

That meaning couldn't be more obvious!
He suddenly understood in his heart that all of this was secretly operated by Zhong Shaoqing, including asking her to participate in the love variety show, which should also be Zhong Shaoqing's intention.

Before, Zhong Shaoqing hid it too deeply. If Sun Yuewen hadn't mentioned it to Diao Qingqing, she would never have thought that he planned all of this.

What on earth does this Zhong Shaoqing want to do, cheat her like this!
Shame on grandma's house!

However, Lin Zitong was so embarrassed that he was about to cry, but his expression remained calm as before.

She shrugged, as if she didn't take what happened just now at all.The pride in her bones is definitely not something that can be easily crushed.

Trying to calm down, she forced herself to tell Sun Yuewen.

"Whatever you say is what you say? Who can't say empty words? I was personally interviewed by Director Kong, and the contract was also signed with Director Kong. I didn't win it by any improper means. No matter how much you indulge your assistant to slander me , don't blame me for being rude!"

Who doesn't know that assistants always occupy the power of artists, if not relying on Sun Yuewen's backing, would Diao Qingqing dare to be so presumptuous?
She has always adhered to a principle of not taking the initiative to provoke troubles, but if others bully her, she will not swallow her anger.

If she knew in advance that this role was offered by Zhong Shaoqing, she would not accept it at all.She was also kept in the dark, so why did Sun Yuewen take her anger out on her?
If there is a feeling, she will go to Zhong Shaoqing to make a theory!

"Why, you don't agree with what my assistant said? What she said is what I said. If you are rude, just come to me. Don't embarrass my assistant!"

Sun Yuewen looked at Lin Zitong coldly, and said mockingly: "If I let you play the heroine, I'm really afraid that you will ruin the whole drama. It's such a good drama, don't let it be ruined."

(End of this chapter)

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