Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 528 Lin Zitong, don't go too far!

Chapter 528 Lin Zitong, don't go too far!
You Haoze's face was pale, his eyes were narrowed, his lips were tightly pressed into a line, and he was so angry that he almost gritted his teeth.

"Lin Zitong, don't go too far!"

Lin Zitong's tears fell along with You Haoze's words.

She was a little at a loss, knowing that things were not what he thought, but she was unwilling to explain everything to him.

I don't know if it was because of a headache or because of distress, tears gradually blurred her vision.

He couldn't figure it out, he obviously used her as a stand-in, why was he so furious at this moment?
Does he love her?

Hehe, when did I become so indecisive?

Geng Junchen, You Xinyi, Jin Yan, Zhong Shaoqing and others all said that You Haoze only regarded her as Xin Ying's shadow and Xin Ying's substitute.

Last night, Xin Ying presented a lot of evidence, proving how much they loved each other in the past.

Why did she still have fantasies about him?

The reason is that she can't let go.

The two have lived together for a long time, and they have long developed a habit and dependence on him, and they keep letting go.

He doesn't love her, but treats her sincerely; she loves him, but hurts him cruelly!

Lin Zitong looked at You Haoze with tears streaming down his face, there seemed to be a lot of broken glass stuck in his throat, spitting it out would cut his throat, and swallowing it was excruciatingly painful.

Seeing her crying so sadly, Zhong Shaoqing felt a pain in his heart, and a layer of frost shrouded his handsome appearance.

"Aze, we all drank too much last night..."

He probably wanted to explain, but before he could finish his words, Ji Houhou cut him off.


At this moment, Zhong Shaoqing's words sounded like adding fuel to the flames to You Haoze, and his anger rose slowly.

He was so angry that his liver ached, and a cruel expression appeared on his gloomy face again.

Lin Zitong panicked in his heart, lowered his eyebrows and choked up, and said, "Mr. You, let him go."

"He touched my woman, and you asked me to let him go? You love him, why don't you know that you love me?"

The tone was ironic and cold, as if accusing, as if complaining.

'Why don't you know how to feel sorry for me? 'This sentence seemed to have a magical power, touching the softest corner of Lin Zitong's heart.

Unconsciously, tears rolled down again.

Seeing her crying, You Haoze felt irritated: "Why are you crying? Your husband is not dead yet."

That's what he said, but he subconsciously reached out to wipe her tears away, but she swung him away.

Hehe, Lin Zitong thought he was really ridiculous!

In that recording, he explicitly admitted that he married Xin Ying because she looked like Xin Ying.

Has he been pretending for so long that he can't tell the double from the true love?

"In my heart, he died last night."

These words made You Haoze's spine stiff, and a strong sorrow swept through every corner of his heart.

The severely swollen blood vessels on his neck proved how much his heart hurts now.

The whole person was overwhelmed by a sense of powerlessness and frustration that he had never felt before.

How I wish this was a dream, but it is not a dream.

With a sore nose, You Haoze felt as if something had fallen from his eye sockets.

"Zhong Shaoqing, you have won."

Seeing him cry and say this sentence, Lin Zitong's heart ached.

"Aze, did I hear you right?" Zhong Shaoqing narrowed her clear eyes slightly, and raised her voice to respond: "Are you admitting defeat?"

You Haoze smiled through tears, with helplessness and self-deprecation in his smile: "Hehe, did you see enough jokes just now? Today I will let you laugh enough!"

Before they could figure out what he meant, You Haoze turned around, picked up the glass on the table and slammed it on the ground.

 small theater:

  One day, President You Da was surrounded by paparazzi: I heard that you often suffer domestic violence from your wife?
  You Haoze scolded angrily: "Fart, is I the kind of person who is afraid of his wife?"
  Someone asked: What should you do if you make your wife angry?
  You Haoze raised his eyebrows: Take a cup and throw it on the ground hard, it will surely calm her down!If you can't hold back, then kneel down on the broken glass...

(End of this chapter)

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