Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 529 Are You Stupid? !Want to feel sorry for me? !

Chapter 529 Are You Stupid? !Want to feel sorry for me? !
There was only a bang, and the ground was covered with broken glass in an instant.

Lin Zitong thought at first that he was just angry and threw something, but when he realized that he bent down to pick up the glass shards on the ground, he panicked.

But seeing You Haoze pinching the shards of glass in the palm of her hand and clenching her fists, her heart trembled violently, and she subconsciously yelled at him.

"Boss You, what are you doing!"

Unmoved, he narrowed his long and narrow black eyes and smiled bleakly.

"Lin Zitong, I'll give it back to you now, and now we're really even. Seeing how embarrassed I am, are you satisfied?"

Lin Zitong's brain was confused and tense, and the solid iceberg in his heart shattered.

"Hao Ze, let go!"

Hearing this, not only did You Haoze not let go, but he clenched his fist even tighter.

As if her heart was broken, she hugged him with trembling hands, feeling extremely distressed: "Let go! Can you let go?"

Her cheek was pressed against his, and she heard his chaotic heartbeat.

The two were shoulder to shoulder, like an iron block hitting a magnet, and he froze and did not move.

Smelling a faint scent of jasmine in his nostrils, You Haoze subconsciously searched for it.

Lifting his eyes slightly, he saw the other small white jasmine flower on Lin Zitong's ear.

Somehow, in that second, all of You Haoze's emotions calmed down.

He narrowed his eyes almost invisibly.

Only then did I notice that the rest of the jasmine flower was exactly the same as in the photo.

A complex shadow quickly passed across his face, his dejected expression gradually eased, but the words he spoke were still full of resentment.

"Lin Zitong, why did I treat you badly? Why did you ruin my relationship like this? You make me feel like a failure, like a joke. Ha! Ha! Ha!"

For no reason, tears rolled down her eyes: "Let go! Let go!"

Seeing drops of blood oozing from between the fingers of his clenched fist, Lin Zitong was heartbroken like a knife.

All the suppressed emotions in my heart poured out in one go.

She cried and cried louder and louder: "Husband, don't do this! I beg you, can you let go?"

Zhong Shaoqing laughed lightly: "Ah Ze, you don't have to look for life and death like this, we didn't mean to..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Zitong yelled at him: "Zhong Shaoqing, you're not finished yet!"

Seeing his wife start talking to him, You Haoze's expressionless and handsome face slowly loosened his clenched fist like a spring breeze blowing thin ice.

"Are you stupid?! Do you want to love me to death?!" While talking to him to distract him, Lin Zitong took the opportunity to open his palm and take out the glass shards.

"Zhong Shaoqing, quickly call the front desk and ask the medical staff to come and bandage her!"

You Haoze snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "No need, just ask someone to bring the medicine box over."

Zhong Shaoqing immediately understood the deep meaning of his words.

If someone were to come into the room, it would probably be leaked.

It was You Haoze who thought carefully, if this matter got out, Lin Zitong's reputation would be ruined.

After making the phone call, the waiter of the hotel quickly brought the medicine box over. Before the person came in, he left the medicine box at the door.

You Haoze wanted to treat the wound by himself, but Lin Zitong took the initiative to ask him to bandage it.

Open the medicine box and take out the medicine, bandages, gauze, band-aids, alcohol, absorbent cotton, and cotton swabs.

She took absorbent cotton dipped in alcohol and carefully disinfected the wound. Looking at his blood-stained palm, she felt extremely distressed.

"My parents must scold me to death."

 Small theater: Silu's words to Lin Zitong.

  Loving someone is actually very simple.

  He made you cry, let you down, but even so, you can't help feeling sorry for him when you see him hurt.

  And whether a person is worthy of your life's love does not depend on how good he treats you, but how bad he treats you when he is in a bad mood.

  Be a smart woman and don't get too entangled in his past love history.

  The more you care about the past, the more you will push him into the memory.

  Never blindly listen to other people's gossip and slander. The feelings that couples have accumulated day by day in their common life cannot be erased by others with a few words.

  So many people are looking forward to your divorce day and night. If you divorce him, you will really fall into the trap of people with ulterior motives.

  All you can do is to love him dearly, and let those evil-minded people vomit blood.

(End of this chapter)

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