Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 530 What is this little pain?There are more painful places.

Chapter 530 What is this little pain?There are more painful places.

In fact, she had already blamed herself countless times in her heart, if she hadn't provoked him in front of Zhong Shaoqing, he wouldn't have behaved like this.

Knowing that he just used herself as a substitute, she just couldn't help herself to love him.

Put down your self-esteem, pride, and willfulness, just because you can't let him go.

You Haoze said indifferently, "I did it myself, it has nothing to do with you."

"I am afraid……"

Originally, that handsome face was still as dark as a scapegoat, but when she heard that she was afraid, You Haoze's expression softened.

"I'm not going to file a complaint."

Lin Zitong is very good at acting, but he is a novice in bandaging and treating wounds.

She bandaged him based on the impression that he helped her treat the wound last time, her hand holding the gauze kept shaking.

Although she was very careful, she would still inadvertently touch the wound, and the blood would flow out again.

How did this blood flow so much!
The more anxious she became, the flustered she became. There was a voice in her head ordering her to calm down, but she just couldn't calm down.

"Didn't you study medicine? Let it stop the bleeding! Why does the blood keep flowing? I'm so scared..."

"What are you panicking, you can't die."

Seeing that her tears were about to burst out again, he felt pity in his heart, but his tone was still cold: "Can you do it? Forget it, I'll do it myself."

She gritted her teeth: "I can."

Zhong Shaoqing didn't want to watch You Haoze act any more, so she took a tissue and began to clean up the broken glass and blood on the ground.

"Does it hurt?"

"What is this pain? There are more painful places."

There was a big touch in my heart, if he just used her as a substitute, why did he care about her so much?
"last night……"

You Haoze cut off her words coldly: "Stop talking, I don't want to hear it."

Lin Zitong pursed his lips, and finally swallowed the words.

Zhong Shaoqing was just a few steps away, but the two of them were talking as if no one was there.

After he cleaned up the ground, Lin Zitong also helped You Haoze bandage the wound.

You Haoze looked at him with a cold face, so cold that it made people feel bitingly cold.

"Zhong Shaoqing, you'd better keep this matter in your stomach. Otherwise, you won't be able to work in the entertainment industry in the future."

Zhong Shaoqing pulled his lips, noncommittal.

"Wife, let's go."

I thought this matter had come to an end, but I didn't expect that when You Haoze and Lin Zitong were about to leave, there were knocks on the door suddenly.

Lin Zitong's heart was pounding non-stop when he heard the knocking on the door getting louder and louder.

Out of professional sense, she guessed that those people outside must be paparazzi!
Now she has no intention of pursuing it at all. Where did the paparazzi get the news?
If those paparazzi really rushed in and blocked her here, she wouldn't be able to take off this hotel hat of hooking up with male stars!
But the knock on the door rang tirelessly. It was impossible for them to retreat in that battle. What should they do?
You Haoze's face was covered with a layer of frost, and the cold light in his eyes turned into two sharp swords, stabbing towards Zhong Shaoqing.

Zhong Shaoqing frowned, looking extremely innocent.

"Is this the room?"

"That's right, this is the room!"

The noise outside the door gradually increased: "If you don't open the door, we are going to hit the door..."

Then, there was a bang, and someone really started to knock on the door!
Lin Zitong seemed to have been slapped in the face by someone, with cold sweat dripping from his palms.

Seeing her so nervous, Zhong Shaoqing, who was originally calm, felt a slight stiffness in his back.Can't help frowning slightly.Thinking that this uneasiness was brought to her by him, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty and guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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