Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 531 Mr. You, you, why are you here...

Chapter 531 Mr. You, you, why are you here...

Hearing the knock on the door, You Haoze's eyes turned cold, and he glanced sideways at the door.

Hehe, these paparazzi are really impatient!
"Honey, you go to the bathroom to hide for a while, and leave it to me to deal with it here."

Lin Zitong pursed her lips, and her frowning eyebrows revealed the conflict in her heart.

You Haoze saw her worries, and his voice was slightly cold: "Don't worry, I won't beat him up."

Zhong Shaoqing frowned even tighter, with an extremely depressed expression.

After hesitating for a short moment, Lin Zitong finally walked to the bathroom.

Seeing this, Zhong Shaoqing followed her pace.

"Zhong Shaoqing, you stay and cooperate with me."

Outside the hotel room, the paparazzi slammed on the door panel, threatening to burn the boat.

However, the quality of the hotel's hardware facilities is so high that they can't break it no matter how they hit it.

"Okay, okay, there's such a big commotion, the people inside should come out soon. Get your cameras ready, everyone!"

When the leading woman gave an order, everyone waited with bated breath, waiting for the people in the room to come out.

Then, the door was pulled open suddenly at this moment.

The paparazzi rushed in like a swarm and pressed the shutter hastily.

All kinds of flashing lights are overwhelming, all pointing towards the people in the room.

Everyone was very excited. Before they could see the people inside clearly, the microphones and all kinds of tricky questions were thrown over.

"Why? So many people, just to see my new concubine's head?"

A familiar and lazy voice came from top to bottom, scaring everyone.

"Boss You, you, why are you here..."

With one hand in his pocket, You Haoze shot towards everyone with his black eyes like sharp blades, and said aggressively, "What? Do I need your permission to come here?"


The paparazzi wiped off their sweat secretly, and hurriedly stepped aside.

Nowadays, who dares to take photos of President You Da randomly?Maybe I will lose my job!
The leader of those paparazzi is Zhong Shaoqing's manager, Huang Wei.Everyone else was terrified of You Haoze, except her.

Their attention was all attracted by You Haoze, but her attention was focused on a man.

She pursed her thin lips tightly, staring at Zhong Shaoqing's eyes with a strange light and shadow intertwined with cold and heat.

"Young Master Zhong!" Huang Wei looked very strange, as if he was trying to restrain his emotions, and asked in a seemingly unintentional way: "You are here?"

Zhong Shaoqing's expression was cold, and his eyes flickered with anger: "Miss Wei, what did you bring them here for?"

At first the paparazzi thought they got the wrong room number and were confused, but after seeing Zhong Shaoqing, their thoughts became even more confused.

Zhong Shaoqing is in this room, which means that they have found the wrong room, but why is the person in the room not a female star, but a man?
Moreover, this man is still the president You Da who is in the limelight?

"Someone broke the news that you had a room with someone in this hotel last night. I tried my best to explain to them that this kind of thing couldn't happen, but they didn't believe it. So I came with them."

Although she spoke calmly, her facial expression was very tense.

Huang Wei scanned the room with sharp eyes, and finally his eyes fell on the closed door of the bathroom.

Her face was gloomy, and she seemed to want to say something, but held back.

Following her gaze, You Haoze frowned almost invisibly.

Those paparazzi are easy to deal with, whether they threaten or lure them, they are easy to dismiss, but this woman...

Anyway, she is Huang Zixuan's biological sister, the eldest daughter of the Huang Group.

Don't look at the monk's face to look at the Buddha's face, because of Huang Zixuan's face and friendship, it's not easy for You Haoze to turn against her on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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