Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 572 Don't worry about your husband's work?

Chapter 572 Don't worry about your husband's work?

He and the other party were talking about work, and she didn't understand a lot of technical terms, and it seemed that the stock price drop was mentioned in the middle.

When he hung up the phone, she immediately leaned over nervously: "What happened to the stock price?"

"It's nothing, it's normal for the stock price to go up and down." He didn't answer her question directly, but just answered her question lightly.

She wanted to continue asking, but he changed the subject.

"Wife, where were we talking just now?"

""The Handmaiden with the Fan" is a particularly excellent script. I can foresee that after the filming of this drama, it will become a well-known classic film and television drama. Significance.

Moreover, I really like the role of Yan Xiang, which is very challenging for me, and I just want to play her well. "

You Haoze leaned on the back of the chair, looking at her quietly, with indescribable emotions flashing in his black eyes.

"Although it's a bit awkward facing Zhong Shaoqing now, don't worry, I will keep a distance from him and won't let gossip paparazzi take advantage of it again. I hope you can respect my decision."

After staring at her silently for a while, You Haoze's eyes darkened for a moment, and there was a trace of helplessness and compromise in his voice. "Okay then, I'll listen to my wife."

Hearing this, she breathed a sigh of relief and smiled in relief.

"Oh, I wanted to spend more time with you, but there are a lot of company matters waiting for me to deal with, I have to go back to the company for a meeting today, so I can't accompany you anymore.

I've already asked you to take a vacation from the production team. You can play at home for two days first, and it's best not to go anywhere without my company.After I do a good job in public relations and downplay the impact of this matter, you will return to the crew to film.do you know? "

Lin Zitong's mind turned very fast: "Two days ago, Director Kong said that I was not in good condition, so you gave me two days off, is that what you meant?"

Hearing this, his expression became a little strange for a moment, and then quickly returned to normal.

"Sure enough, you can't hide anything from you. It is true that I sent a message to Director Kong. Uh, typing with one hand is really slow."

At that time, seeing him holding the mobile phone with that injured hand and editing information with one hand, she wondered what he was doing.

It turned out that he was asking for leave for her at that time.

Hehe, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but laugh.

In the crew, there is a rich and powerful investor husband who covers her, but she has many privileges, and even the director has to look at her husband's face.

Ask for leave whenever you want, and resume work when you want.

Before that, she didn't want to understand why Director Kong was so partial to her, and he didn't hesitate to show Sun Yuewen's face because of her?

Now she understands, it's her husband's face.

In the past, she disdained to rely on men, but now she is enlightened.

I have to admit that it feels good to have a man to rely on, not to mention that this man is a real man for her, who loves her husband with all his heart.

Seemingly aware of something, the joy quickly receded, and she asked with some concern, "How are you going to deal with this?"

Zhong Shaoqing has thousands of fans, and it may not be easy to suppress this matter.

"It's nothing more than spending some money." His tone seemed to indicate: What a big deal!
"Ah, how much will it cost?" She couldn't help but sighed softly, and said in a muffled voice: "Why don't you forget it, what if it gets more and more black? Maybe you don't care about it, and it will come naturally after a while." It fades away."

"Aren't you worried about your husband's work? Well, I have to go to work. Help me tie my tie."

 One day, You Haoze accompanied Lin Zitong to the hospital for an obstetric examination, and there was a couple ahead of them in line.

  The man asked the doctor eagerly: Doctor, she is more than seven months old now, can that still be done?
  The doctor raised his head and glared at the man, and said in a serious tone: No!

  At that time, You Haoze felt that this man was like this, his daughter-in-law was pregnant for more than seven months and still wanted to be like this!

  However, the next moment, the man immediately said to his wife: Did you hear that!The doctor also said no! ! !Did you hear that! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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