Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 573 You Didn't Give Me A Baby Face Outside, Did You?

Chapter 573 You Didn't Give Me A Baby Face Outside, Did You?

At this moment, Lin Zitong noticed that there was a tie hanging around his neck, and couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded.

This fellow is injured and can continue to drive, but he can't tie his own tie?
He used to do such small things as tying a tie by himself, and when he finally had the opportunity to need her help, she was more than happy.

I always feel that it is a very loving thing for a woman to wear a tie for a man.

There was some brilliance in her eyebrows and eyes, she looked very happy, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised.

You Haoze walked up to her and bent down very cooperatively.

Her fingers flew back and forth, fastened a tie button, moved it upwards and downwards, and fastened the tie smoothly.

Hehe, it is indeed a very loving thing for a woman to tie a man. If the man has ulterior motives, she can strangle him to death at any time.

After finishing the tie, she looked at it again, and it was not bad.

She smiled in satisfaction, and was about to let go and step back, but was hugged by him.

"Honey, I really can't see that you have the potential to be a good wife and mother."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to her, and she understood what he meant, and straightened his sleeves for him.

"From now on, I will ask my wife to help me tie my tie every day."

He suddenly felt that this kind of treatment was really good, and it would be even better if he could enjoy it every day.

I hope that every morning in the future, she will tie a tie for him and send him to work.

Lin Zitong put the tip of his nose close to his neckline and sniffed lightly, and couldn't help laughing out, "Mr. You, are you acting like a spoiled child to me?"

"Hehe, can't you?" He hugged her tightly, his chest shaking violently.

Suddenly, she suddenly thought of something, a trace of darkness flashed across her face, and her smiling face suddenly became serious.

Noticing the strangeness of the woman in his arms, the man couldn't help but tapped her head with his middle finger: "What's wrong?"

She took his hand away, bit her lip and looked at him, not knowing how to speak to him for a while.

For her, this matter was really difficult to talk about.

"Honey, you said it yourself, we are husband and wife, there is nothing we can't talk about."

There was an inexplicable throbbing in her heart, she tried her best to calm her emotions, and said in a voice that he could just hear: "Mr. You, I owe a lot of money to someone, can you pay it back for me?"

To You Haoze, [-] million may be just the money for a few luxury cars, but to her, a third-tier star who used to play a small supporting role all the year round, it is already a huge sum of money.

Although You Haoze has been supporting the family since the two got married, he bought most of the bags, clothes and shoes she wears.

Just what he spent on buying her jewelry added up to more than [-] million yuan.

However, it was he who offered it after all, so it was quite embarrassing for her to ask him for money.

However, if she didn't ask him for it, she wouldn't be able to raise so much money in a while.

She can't sell the jewelry he gave, can she?
Before, she said that she would return the money to that person, thinking that if she made more money from filming, she would be able to pay it back by herself.

Now the situation has changed, that person has actually got involved with Xin Ying.

If Xin Ying knew that she had taken a large sum of money from the Xin family in the past, maybe she would be mocked and humiliated.

So, she really couldn't wait.

You Haoze was slightly taken aback, a pair of bright and deep eyes fixedly stared at her, that posture seemed to see through her heart.

"How much is it, you don't raise a little boy for me outside, do you?"

She was very angry when she heard this, and tried her best to hold back the grievance in her heart: "What are you talking about! You have already seen that person, and you will help me pay back the [-] million first."

(End of this chapter)

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