Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 625 Sun Yuewen, what exactly do you want?

Chapter 625 Sun Yuewen, what exactly do you want?
Sun Yuewen and Xin Ying are very good girlfriends, so it is not surprising to know this secret.

Lin Zitong clenched his palms tightly, and slowly closed his eyes: "You don't have to sow discord in front of me, I don't like this. In fact, I have a bad temper, so it's best not to piss me off, otherwise I won't promise to do something wrong." What's up."

Sun Yuewen raised her eyebrows slightly: "Are you threatening me?"

At this moment, Fan Xilei walked in with a set of costumes. "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing."

"Hey, how did you zip it up?"

"Sister Fan, let's go outside and talk."

Lin Zitong was the only one left in the dressing room, her eyes were slightly moist, and she held back her tears after holding back.

In the morning, the production crew arranged several rival scenes between Lin Zitong and Sun Yuewen.

When the filming started, Lin Zitong keenly caught the strange look in Director Kong's eyes looking at her, which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

All indications were that something must have happened.

Due to You Haoze's big face, although Sun Yuewen often quarreled with her recently, it is rare for him to directly tear his face like today.

Moreover, if Sun Yuewen dared to be so sure that You Haoze would marry Xin Ying soon, she probably knew that she and You Haoze were having trouble.

Where did Sun Yuewen get the news from?Probably heard it from Xin Ying's mouth.

And how did Xin Ying know that she and You Haoze were at odds? Didn't You Haoze tell her?
It was like a stone was pressed in her heart for an instant, and she didn't dare to think about it any further.

The camera was running, and Sun Yuewen was standing opposite Lin Zitong.

She glanced at Lin Zitong's attire, curled her lips, her tone tinged with displeasure.

"Director Kong, Lin Zitong clashed with me, looking at her makes me feel wrong."

Lin Zitong took a deep breath, and before Kong Haiyang could express his opinion, he asked first, "Sun Yuewen, what exactly do you want?"

"What do I want?" Sun Yuewen stared at her tightly with two stern eyes, and said with wide eyes: "Lin Zitong, if you are sensible, go down and change into your costume before coming back."

Any fool could see that Sun Yuewen was trying to tease her on purpose.

Kong Haiyang frowned, and a glint of light quickly flashed across his eyes: "All film well, don't find fault."

Although he didn't mention his name by name, he was obviously addressing Lin Zitong.

Sun Yuewen's attitude was extremely arrogant, she didn't give Kong Haiyang any face at all, and dared to ask loudly in front of her face: "Lin Zitong, you have clearly seen me wearing a white skirt, why are you still wearing a white skirt, are you doing it against me on purpose?"

Lin Zitong frowned beautifully, and felt that she was at fault first, so she shook her head resolutely.

In the dressing room before, she did bump into Sun Yuewen changing costumes, but she was so preoccupied that she never noticed what costume Sun Yuewen was wearing.

At this point, Kong Haiyang probably understood what had happened, and knew more clearly that Sun Yuewen deliberately made things difficult for Lin Zitong, so he had no choice but to make peace with it.

"It doesn't matter if you bump into a shirt once in a while, don't worry too much about such small details."

However, Sun Yuewen quit and did not buy Kong Haiyang's account at all.

"Lin Zitong, do you like wearing the same costumes as me so much?"

Seeing Kong Haiyang's sour face, Lin Zitong chose to calm down and changed into costumes without further ado.

This time, she chose a blue brocade dress, which was much more low-key than Sun Yuewen's attire.

When she came back, Sun Yuewen actually disliked her for wasting time.

Not only that, but Sun Yuewen was also very dissatisfied: "Your collar has a big slit, it dazzles my eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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