Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 626 Lin Zitong, are you trying to take revenge on me?

Chapter 626 Lin Zitong, are you trying to take revenge on me?

Lin Zitong originally wanted to swallow his anger, but seeing the other party getting more and more aggressive, his temper gradually increased.

"Why don't you help me choose, don't waste everyone's time."

Sun Yuewen became more and more embarrassing, and squinted at her: "Let me choose? How big is your face?"

At that moment, Lin Zitong clenched his fists and endured so much that he didn't lose his temper in public.

Kong Haiyang couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "It's fine, fine, don't spend all your time changing costumes."

Sun Yuewen was still relentless, and complained: "Lin Zitong, it's all about you, look how much time you've delayed the crew."

Lin Zitong was secretly annoyed, but tried hard to hold back his displeasure: "Sun Yuewen, you'd better stop being picky. I can bear you once or twice, but I can't bear you three or four times."

Sun Yuewen stared at her aggrieved expression with great interest, and sneered: "You say I'm making trouble for no reason?"

In order to prevent the quarrel between the two from escalating, Director Kong shouted: "Action!"

Due to the delay of a lot of time just now, the progress of the shooting in the morning was a bit rushed, and all the staff members went all out.

Under the camera, Shui Mai, played by Sun Yuewen, is concentrating on showing Sipa.

Yanxiang played by Lin Zitong walked up behind her lightly and patted her on the shoulder.

"Sister Shuimai!"

In order to make the shooting effect real and natural, many of the props used by the crew are real.

The needle in Sun Yuewen's hand is genuine.

She is very involved in acting. In order to show her superb embroidery work, the camera also specially gave a close-up of her embroidery action.

Of course, in order to play a good role, she practiced embroidery in private.

When she was in the mood, she was slapped by Lin Zitong, and she was immediately tragic.

The needle pricked my hand, and blood beads as big as beans oozed out all of a sudden.

At this time, the camera had shifted to Lin Zitong, and no one noticed Sun Yuewen's finger injury.

Kong Haiyang didn't stop.

If it was normal, Sun Yuewen would not take such trivial matters to heart, would understand the general situation and take the overall situation into consideration, and continue acting as if nothing had happened.

However, at this moment, she was very annoyed at Lin Zitong, and whispered: "Lin Zitong, are you crazy? Are you intending to take revenge on me?"

Never expected that this woman would hold a grudge so much!On the surface, she looks pure and kind, but in fact, the city is very deep!

To avenge himself in public like this!

Hmph, Lin Zitong wants to see her deflated?There are no doors!

You can't blame Sun Yuewen for making trouble, there is no such thing in the script, and the action of patting her on the shoulder was added by Lin Zitong himself.

Puzzled by Sun Yuewen's yelling, Lin Zitong was about to refute, but unexpectedly saw her finger bleeding.

What was meant to be hurtful, turned into an apology: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you would hurt your hand."

Sun Yuewen gritted her teeth: "It hurts so much! Lin Zitong, remember it!"


Kong Haiyang shouted and walked over.

"what happened?"

"Director Kong, she thought she was smart and added some moves. I wasn't prepared for it at all. She caused me to be stuck with a needle."

Sun Yuewen wiped the blood on her fingers with a tissue, and handed the bloody tissue to Kong Haiyang to see.

Lin Zitong was a little unconvinced, she felt that there was nothing wrong with her performance.Yan Xiang is a lively, active and eccentric girl, doesn't her action just express the characteristics of Yan Xiang?

Kong Haiyang frowned slightly, and after pondering for a while, he said, "There is nothing wrong with Zi Tong's performance just now, it's just that you two didn't cooperate well enough."

Lin Zitong was a little moved, it seemed that Kong Haiyang still recognized her acting skills.

(End of this chapter)

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