Chapter 687: Male Big 72 Changes! (seeking subscription)
"The steel egg in my memory will not be so open-mouthed. No matter what kind of person You is, I really don't like it when someone talks about him in front of me."

Every sentence stabbed Zhong Shaoqing in the heart.

Even if he knew it very well in his heart, hearing her say it would be even more lethal.

Zhong Shaoqing pursed her lips and said nothing, feeling bitter and wronged in her heart.

He couldn't believe his ears when she called him and said she remembered him.

When she said on the phone that she was coming to find him, he thought that she cared about him.

But at this moment, he fell into the clouds.

All she thought about was that man!
He doesn't have even the slightest place in her heart!

After being silent for a long time, he smiled wryly: "Zi Tong, you and him really have one heart, helping him come to bully me on his own initiative!"

I thought she came to him to reminisce about the old days, but I didn't expect that she came to Xingshi to inquire about his crimes.

He had fantasized countless times about the scene where the two reunited after a long absence, but he never thought that this would be the case.

What an irony!
There was more or less a hint of ridicule in these words, but Lin Zitong felt very uncomfortable hearing them, which made her a little at a loss.

Didn't she come to him with the intention of enlightening him and helping him?

How did you become bullying him together with You Haoze?
"Steel egg..."

Zhong Shaoqing concealed the complicated emotions in his eyes, and said in a flat voice, "Actually, I prefer you to call me Shaoqing."

He really hates the name Steel Egg.

Because hearing this name reminded him of the dark past of cowardice and incompetence.

Even though, he has always missed the time with Lin Zitong very much.

Lin Zitong smiled apologetically.

"Shaoqing, I never dreamed that more than ten years ago, that little boy would be you."

Hearing the woman's kind words, the man's gloomy mood finally changed, and the corners of his lips gradually raised into a narrow smile.

"What little boy? Call him Big Brother."

She lifted her watery eyes clear, and her eyes moved slightly, looking around at him.

Sensing her gaze, he fixed his gaze on her face and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"If I hadn't seen your old photos on the Internet, I wouldn't have recognized you. You were thin and dark back then, and the difference from now is really not that big."

Zhong Shaoqing's figure looks similar to that of You Haoze. Although she has never seen Zhong Shaoqing shirtless, it is common for You Haoze to have muscles all over her body.

If she hadn't seen Zhong Shaoqing's old photos, she might not have recognized him for the rest of her life.

"I was dark when I was young, so it's good to be in the sun! Let you bask in the sun every day to see if you are dark! When I was kidnapped and disappeared that time, my parents were terrified. They sent me to practice Taekwondo and boxing. I told you a long time ago that I will definitely be a handsome guy when I grow up."

She burst out laughing: "Haha, people say that women's university has eighteen changes, but I think you are men's university with seventy-two changes!"

Zhong Shaoqing blushed and smiled concealedly.

"Hehe, Zitong, you have changed a lot. You were so fat when you were young. However, you were afraid of mice and cockroaches when you were young. Now that you are such a grown-up, you are still afraid of mice and cockroaches."

These words reminded Lin Zitong of the dark time when the two of them were imprisoned in the abandoned warehouse.

That warehouse is a dirty and messy place, dark and damp, full of mosquitoes, rats and cockroaches often appear.

Rats and cockroaches are a nightmare for her.

Whenever the night is quiet, the mice come out to look for food, squeak, and sometimes bite things.

(End of this chapter)

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