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Chapter 688 Shen Mingyuan, President of Shen Group?

Chapter 688 Shen Mingyuan, President of Shen Group? (seeking subscription)
Waking up in the middle of the night, listening to the sound of the mouse scurrying around, she felt creepy.

At that time, she was always very afraid that a mouse without eyes would crawl on her, and she was so frightened that she wrapped herself tightly in a quilt.

Is there a saying that doesn't mean that?

A woman's nature will be revealed the moment she meets a cockroach, and a man's nature will be revealed the moment he meets a beautiful woman.

Most women are naturally afraid of cockroaches, and she was no exception, screaming at the sight of cockroaches.

And in that abandoned warehouse, there were so many cockroaches that it was frightening, and they were openly wandering around under her nose during the day.

The worst thing is...

She rolled her eyes at Zhong Shaoqing, and the corners of her mouth curled up: "You have the nerve to say that you are too bad, to scare me by catching little mice and big cockroaches that are just a few days old!"

Unexpectedly, she could still remember the past so long, and Zhong Shaoqing's mouth unconsciously evoked an intriguing smile.

It turned out that she didn't care about him at all.

At least, she still remembers the time when they shared joys and sorrows.

"At that time, it was so boring. I just wanted to tease you, but I didn't know that you would be afraid of that! At that time, you were crying like hell, and you threatened that you would never forgive me in this life, so I didn't know what to do. "

Lin Zitong's smile faltered, a bit embarrassed.

It turned out that Zhong Shaoqing still remembered this episode, no wonder he threatened her that there were cockroaches on the ground when the two of them were doing that show together.

Thinking back now, this guy really hasn't changed his nature, he is still playing pranks like when he was a child at this age.

"Stop, you are not allowed to mention my embarrassing things in the future."

Lin Zitong's eyes stayed on him, and he put aside the topic without any trace: "By the way, I'm curious, why you would rather be beaten than talk to your family at that time?"

After chatting about the interesting things in their childhood, the kind of familiarity they had once gradually returned, and her tone was full of concern.

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Zhong Shaoqing's mouth disappeared completely, and his face was terribly ugly.

After pondering for a while, he smiled wryly: "Because I heard the conversation of those bad guys that night, Shen Mingyuan let go, and it is impossible to pay a ransom to save me."

Hearing the name Shen Mingyuan, she felt very familiar, and subconsciously asked, "Shen Mingyuan, the president of the Shen Group?"

Zhong Shaoqing nodded almost invisibly, and replied softly with the word 'um'.

Lin Zitong fell silent suddenly, with a rare surprised expression unconsciously showing on his face.

Shen's Group is the leading family business in Zhouchuan, with nearly 10 employees, business all over the world, and amazing wealth.

How could it be impossible to pay the ransom?

"No wonder you are surprised. This is unbelievable to anyone."

The man's face became darker and darker, and he closed his eyes in pain.

"My grandma is Zhong Xuemei, the second daughter of the Zhong Group. Because the Zhong family had no sons, the eldest daughter of the Zhong family eloped with someone, so my grandma inherited the Zhong Group. Although my father is the eldest son of Shen, but in order to inherit Zhong My father followed my grandma's surname Zhong.

I don't know if it's because my father's surname is Zhong, but Shen Mingyuan has hated my father since he was born.Shen Mingyuan only dotes on his second son, Shen Liangchuan.

Later, when I was born, grandma Zhong Xuemei wanted my surname to be Zhong, but my parents did not agree.My parents want me to take the surname of Shen Mingyuan, hoping that he will like me.However, they were wrong, even so, it can't change Shen Mingyuan's fate of loathing our father and son. "

(End of this chapter)

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