Chapter 689 He gave her absolute trust. (seeking subscription)
"Shen Mingyuan didn't like me since I was a child, and he treated me very badly. That time I was kidnapped, he refused to pay a ransom to save me, so he let me fend for myself. Later, I managed to escape, and my parents gave up. Take me to my grandfather's house and change my surname to Zhong."

These things involving the secrets of the Shen family were not glorious things, but he told her without reservation.

He gave her absolute trust.

This feeling is like when they ran for their lives when they were young, she firmly believed that he would not abandon him.

What she didn't expect was that Zhong Shaoqing's growth experience would be tragic, but she didn't expect it to be this tragic.

Some people were born into a wealthy family, but they just look at the scenery on the surface, such as Zhong Shaoqing.

She sighed softly: "So that's the case."

After talking for a while, Zhong Shaoqing suddenly changed the subject: "That night, I also heard those bad guys talking about you. They said that the Xin family refused to pay a ransom to save you."

Hearing what Zhong Shaoqing said, Lin Zitong suddenly realized why she was kidnapped by those gangsters, and also knew why Zhong Shaoqing regarded Xin Ying as her.

The mystery that had been entangled in her heart for more than ten years was unraveled, and she couldn't tell what it was like in her heart for a while.

After a long sigh of relief, she said sincerely: "Shaoqing, I won't hide it from you, Xin Ying is my half-sister. I think the gang of bad guys tied me up because they found out about me. It's the Xin family, my son, and my daughter, who kidnapped me and then went to the Xin family to ask for a ransom. But my scumbag father doesn't care about my life, so he refuses to pay the ransom."

Now, it was Zhong Shaoqing's turn to be shocked, and the astonishment on his face was not inferior to her just now.

She and Xin Ying are actually sisters?

After thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help laughing at himself, why didn't he think of this before?

However, he did not agree with her statement.

"No, I don't think that's the case. Maybe you and Xin Ying went to the same school. They recognized the wrong person and tied you up as Xin Ying. After all, you two sisters look very similar. And they and the Xin family Asking for money, Xin Ying is safe and sound, so no ransom will be paid.

At that time, your father may not know what happened to you, otherwise he would not ignore you. "

Automatically blocking the last sentence, Lin Zitong snorted lightly, feeling very funny: "How is it possible, I was so fat when I was young."

The shock on his face gradually subsided, and the original faint smile returned to the corners of his lips.

"It just so happens that I've seen pictures of Ying'er when she was a child. She's exactly like you, and she's fat and cute. I don't think you should think so badly of Uncle Xin. In my eyes, he's a pretty decent person."


Lin Zitong's expression froze, and the smile on his lips quickly disappeared.

"Actually, I don't think your father is the kind of scumbag who abandons his wife and children..."

'I don't think you should think so badly of Uncle Xin. In my eyes, he is quite a decent person. '

Why did Zhong Shaoqing and You Haoze speak the same words?

If only You Haoze said that, she could think that You Haoze was trying to make her happy and relieve her inner anxiety.

But now that Zhong Shaoqing said the same thing, she couldn't help feeling suspicious.

Some emotions quickly flashed in her eyes, and then she lowered her eyes to cover her complicated gaze.

That scumbag has never fulfilled the responsibility of being a father since he was a child.

Of course, except for saving a large sum of money for her as a dowry.

After a while, Lin Zitong managed to force a smile: "Shaoqing, you don't need to comfort me, and you don't need to speak nice words for him."

(End of this chapter)

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