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Chapter 697 I'll Wait To See You Get Slapped In The Face!

Chapter 697 I'll Wait To See You Get Slapped In The Face!
Zhong Shaoqing clenched her fists subconsciously, a dark fire was burning in her heart, but she couldn't utter it.

You Haoze chuckled, with a cold and sarcastic tone: "Hehe, don't forget, you are her ex-boyfriend!"

Zhong Shaoqing felt that his heart was getting hotter and hotter, and the smoke filled the air.

His thin lips were slightly hooked, and there was a smile on his face, but it was more terrifying than not smiling.

"Don't think that everyone is as shameless as you! Yinger and I are innocent, and we haven't reached the point of discussing marriage. How could I do that to her!"

Lin Zitong's calm gaze trembled violently.

With Zhong Shaoqing saying this, he must be sure that the child belongs to You Haoze, right?

Although she has calmly accepted this fact now, she still couldn't suppress the surprise in her heart when she heard that things had turned around just now.

"Don't talk too much! I'll just wait to see you get slapped in the face!"

You Haoze's tone was playful and teasing, watching Zhong Shaoqing's face become distorted, the pleasure of revenge quickly spread in his heart.

Zhong Shaoqing clenched her fists, as if she couldn't hold her breath: "You Haoze, you will definitely regret doing this!"

Of course You Haoze could understand that what Zhong Shaoqing was talking about referred to the exposure of his plastic surgery.

"Really? I'm a little scared."

The corners of his mouth were raised high and high, and he fixedly looked at Zhong Shaoqing with the attitude of a victor, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

"Zhong Shaoqing, do you still remember what I said to you in this villa?"

'Listen, I will always remember the humiliation of today, and repay it twice in the future.Lin Zitong is my woman, you better not have any unreasonable thoughts, otherwise I will make you suffer for the rest of your life! '

Zhong Shaoqing recovered from his contemplation, with a cold smile on his lips: "Remember, on that day, you got slapped on the face by Zitong, right?"

Hearing this, You Haoze's black eyes became dark and unfathomable, and he remained silent.

Seeing the relaxed smile on the corners of his lips gradually freeze, the dark eyes gradually deepening, and the handsome face gradually covered with a layer of haze, Lin Zitong couldn't help frowning, and sighed depressedly in his heart.

"Are you two going to fight like this?"

You Haoze turned to look at her, his anger quickly hid, and he curled his lips with a half-smile: "Then are you planning to go back with me?"

She nodded and made a self-deprecating smile: "Let's go, let's go back."

When the voice fell to the ground, he no longer looked back at Zhong Shaoqing, turned his head and walked out.

Just a few steps away from Lin Zitong, You Haoze quickly chased after her and grabbed her waist from behind.

She was held by him like this until she walked out of the gate of the villa.

The man stopped suddenly.

The woman looked up at him puzzled.

You Haoze looked down at her slightly, his obsidian-like eyes were shining brightly.

With long and slender hands, she gathered the messy hair on the side of her ears behind her ears.

Then, he grabbed the back of her head and kissed her.

There was an indescribable tenderness in his expression and demeanor.

Like being in the clouds, light and soft.

She trembled all over, and her face suddenly became hot.

What are you doing?
What doesn't feel right?

This guy seemed to be acting for someone, she couldn't help but turned around and looked behind her, but there was nothing unusual.

I thought he was acting as a show for Zhong Shaoqing, but there was no one behind him.

The man put his arms around her, put his thin lips close to my ear, and gave a low laugh.

"Why, you still want him to follow?"

Sure enough, nothing could be hidden from his eyes, he could see her mind very clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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