Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 698 Do you want to intercede for him now?late!

Chapter 698 Do you want to intercede for him now?late!
She took a deep breath and smiled sweetly: "Hao Ze, Shaoqing saved my life when I was a child. Without him, there would be no me in this world. I beg you, can you look at my face? Don't embarrass him anymore?"

He raised his chin haughtily and looked at her with a funny face: "Honey, do you remember what I told you? I said it, but you said it yourself. Don't regret it. Do you want to intercede for him now? It's too late !"

'If you hadn't insisted on finishing the filming of this drama, I would have let him get out of the entertainment circle long ago. '

'Hehe, then you tell him to get out of the entertainment circle, why bother with me? '

Lin Zitong sighed in frustration, this guy not only has no taboo in his words and deeds, but also does what he says!

"I regret it, what should I do?"

"Take it." He glanced at the time on the watch, and his tone suddenly became a little impatient: "Hurry up, or the time may be too late!"

She was baffled by his sudden urging.

When she realized it, she was already in the car, and You Haoze in the driver's seat stepped on the accelerator suddenly, and the Rolls-Royce flew out.

The streets in front of me are bustling, with buildings rising from the ground, and architectural complexes abound.

It can be seen that this is not the way back to the villa, let alone the courtyard, but it seems to be going to the city center.

Lin Zitong was a little confused: "Where are you taking me?"

You Haoze's face was cold, and he replied concisely: "Civil Affairs Bureau!"

That tone, that look, that attitude, are completely different from the man in Zhong Shaoqing's villa just now.

Become taciturn, become cold and arrogant, and become difficult to get close to.

Civil Affairs Bureau?

Lin Zitong was even more confused, what was he doing at the Civil Affairs Bureau at this moment?
After a while, she came to her senses, what else could she do in the Civil Affairs Bureau?
"Do you really want a divorce?"


Then, he concentrated on driving and ignored her.

When she was in Zhong Shaoqing's villa at that time, she was very fortunate to be here, thinking that this incident was over.

Who knew he was waiting for her here.

I thought it was just the angry words he said when the two were arguing, but I didn't expect him to be more aggressive.

In this case, why did he act like he had settled down with her just now?

Why did you kiss her at the gate of the villa?

On a whim?

You Haoze drove the car very fast, as if he was really in a hurry.

She groaned secretly in her heart, did he really want to divorce her?

No, no, she didn't want to leave him.

However, now that she is riding a tiger, what should she do?
If it can be delayed for a while, it is a moment, and if it can be delayed for a day, it is a day.

Maybe, he is still angry, and when his anger subsides, everything will be fine.

"Hao Ze, I'm a little thirsty."

Hearing this sentence, the man stepped on the brakes, parked the car on the side of the road, and got out of the car without saying a word.

After waiting for about ten minutes, when he came back, he had an extra bottle of Nongfu Spring in his hand.

Seeing him open the car door and get into the cab, Lin Zitong naturally reached for the bottle of water.

However, You Haoze unscrewed the bottle cap, and started drinking without shaking her.

She was stunned, a little dumbfounded: "Didn't you buy it for me?"

He put on a funny face: "Which ear did you hear me say, this is for you to drink?"

This man's awkward look is so cute!

Thankfully, I finally found his voice.

She raised her eyebrows without losing her composure: "Then you didn't say you wouldn't give me a drink!"

"It's already stained with my saliva, if you want to drink it, take it yourself!"

This fellow is purely disgusting!
Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and Lin Zitong did not move for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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