Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 700 Alright, what's wrong with him!

Chapter 700 Alright, what's wrong with him!
She pursed her lips, feeling regretful in her heart.

Sure enough, you can't die if you don't do it.

After starting the car, the two left the Civil Affairs Bureau.

In the car, You Haoze and Lin Zitong fell into a cold war. Along the way, he didn't look at her or speak to her.

This woman actually left him to find Zhong Shaoqing, he was going crazy, just thinking about it made him feel uncomfortable.

Lin Zitong wanted to communicate with him at first, but seeing his cold eyes and not knowing what to say, she simply fell silent.

When they reached the suburbs with a wide view, You Haoze suddenly asked, "Are strawberries delicious?"

Hearing the word strawberry, Lin Zitong suddenly felt a little strange, and asked him with a shock, "How do you know this, are you spying on me?"

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Pregnant women really have a worrying IQ!"

Her originally relaxed nerves immediately became sensitive and sensitive because of his words, and she said angrily, "I'm not pregnant."

He raised his eyebrows and smiled, and said without thinking: "You'd better pray that you are pregnant, otherwise, you will have only one way to go through divorce."

Her heart ached from his words, she raised her eyes and stared at him hesitantly.

Come on, this guy is really exciting.

She really wanted to yell at her, but her good self-cultivation finally prevented her from doing so, only a self-deprecating arc curled up at the corner of her mouth.

"Although we can't leave for the time being, we can get used to life after divorce in advance. What do you think of this proposal?"

You Haoze looked at her for a moment, then suddenly stepped on the brakes, and tapped lightly on the car window with his slender fingers.

Lin Zitong looked at the smile on the corner of his mouth, just waiting for his words.

"it is good!"

And he, did live up to her expectations, smiled calmly: "I think it's really great!"

Then, in the next second, he uttered two words with a cold face: "Get out of the car!"

Okay, what a nerve he is!
Knowing that he was acting, she pretended to be confused: "What?"

He lifted his chin, and repeated those two heartless words coldly.

"get off!"

Her expression froze suddenly, she opened her mouth, unable to speak.

He glanced at her, but there was no change in emotion, as if he only saw a pool of empty water.

"My car won't carry strangers! Don't make me say it a third time!"

Lin Zitong gave him a sideways look, gritted his teeth bitterly, got up and opened the car door and walked out.

When she heard the sound of the engine behind her, she looked back and saw that the Rolls Royce had already left.

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!"

She cursed a few times in a low voice, and wanted to take out her mobile phone to call Su Shanshan and ask her to pick it up.

Only then did I realize that the phone had been left in the car.

Because the car has already left, she can only find a way to go home by herself.

However, the location of this suburb is too remote. If you walk home with your legs, you may not be able to walk back to the villa in the middle of the night.

Moreover, in this case, she didn't want to go back to the villa.

She wanted to take a taxi back to the courtyard, but she was discouraged because she searched the whole body, and there was not even a dime.

Wallet, mobile phone, all left in the car.

To make matters worse, the sun was about to set.

Oh, even God is joking with her.

Standing alone by the side of the deserted road, she had already cursed You Haoze, a bastard countless times in her heart.

At this time, she really hoped that someone with good intentions would come to save her.

Very dramatic, God seems to have heard her heart, and opened his eyes.

A McLaren stopped beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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