Chapter 701 Women are hypocritical!

The car door had already been opened, and a gentleman in the back seat, wearing white-rimmed glasses, waved politely to her.

"Beauty, do I need to give you a ride?"

Although she really wanted to get in the car, her reason kept reminding her so.

It's so late, can she just get in the car of a strange man?

In the end, reason prevailed, she smiled gratefully, and declined, "No need, the person I was waiting for will come to pick me up right away!"

Subconsciously, she still believed that You Haoze would not really leave her alone.

"Well, if you encounter any difficulties, you can call me."

The man handed over a business card, and Lin Zitong reached out to take it out of politeness, and couldn't help smiling bitterly, what's the use of asking for a business card without a mobile phone?

In the end, the McLaren drove away.

She squatted on the ground by the roadside, looking around with the last ray of light from the sky.

Where's that fancy Rolls Royce?

At first, she thought that You Haoze was just teasing her, and it was impossible to really leave her behind.

He has always been very kind to her, even if he is angry, he will not ignore her.

It wasn't until this moment that she began to panic.

How could he be so cruel and leave her alone in this remote suburb?
Isn't she afraid that she will be robbed by bad guys?

Complaints are complaints, anger is anger, and there seems to be nothing wrong with him doing it in all fairness.

If they divorce, she has nothing to do with him, and he has no obligation to take care of her, and he doesn't have to care about her safety.

It was she herself who proposed to experience life after divorce.

Hey, you can't die if you don't do it!

Anxiety, panic, depression, depression, hunger...

When she went out in the afternoon, she only drank a bowl of porridge.

Uh, I also ate a plate of strawberries in Zhong Shaoqing's villa, but strawberries are so low in calories, how can I be hungry.

The Wu Zang Temple has already played drums.

What should she do?
Can't remember how long it was.

It seemed as long as a week.

Until a familiar male voice came from next to my ear: "Beauty?"

Is it a hallucination?

At some point, a Rolls-Royce parked beside her, and the headlights were brightly lit, hitting the ground in front of her eyes.

You Haoze rolled down the car window, waved at her, and signaled her to get in the car.

Lin Zitong's hanging heart can finally return to its original place.

Sure enough, he was just teasing her, and he didn't really abandon her so cruelly.

However, at this moment, she was still holding a breath in her heart and ignored him.

Women, it's hypocritical!

You Haoze chuckled, got out of the car, and squatted down beside her: "Are you still trying to be brave? Huh?"

She stared blankly at the smiling handsome face in front of her, and showed her professionalism as an actor: "This handsome guy, do we know each other?"

Only then did the man notice his gaffe, and apologized: "Beauty, you left your phone in my car."

As he spoke, he handed her mobile phone back to her.

Lin Zitong took the phone, feeling panicked.

Out of politeness, does she still have to say thank you to him?

Thank you shit, seeing his sloppy appearance, she can't wait to punch him twice.

She didn't swear at him badly, that's enough for him.

However, the slap in the face came too fast.

You Haoze is a good actor, and he enters the role in minutes: "It's very difficult to get a taxi at night in the suburbs here. Where is the beauty going? If you drop by, I can give you a ride."

Her eyes lit up, and she smiled sweetly at him: "Handsome guy, thank you so much, I'll go to the backstreet courtyard."

Originally, with a mobile phone, she didn't have to look at his expression.

In this suburban area, it is really difficult to get a taxi at night.

(End of this chapter)

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