Chapter 702 Hehe, I think you are blind!
However, she just needs to call Su Shanshan and ask her to pick it up.Or call Rong Jing and Xiao Zifeng, no matter what, there are other friends in the phone address book to find.

However, at this point, everyone should be preparing for dinner. She never likes to cause trouble for others.

Besides, she and You Haoze didn't quarrel to that extent, so it's okay to ask him to give it away.

There is free labor, and she is not stupid.

She just did the psychological construction for herself, and agreed with peace of mind.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, I heard him respond with three words, "Not on the way!"

Her eyes froze, her face stiffened.

Is she addicted to playing this game?

After a pause, he added: "However, I can drive you there."

If you want to entertain people, if you have anything to say, can you finish it all at once? !

Next, she followed him and got into the car.

He thought that the two of them would have nothing to say all the way, so after he sent her to the courtyard, they each went back to their respective houses to find their own mothers.

Unexpectedly, You Haoze looked over through the rearview mirror and asked a question.

"Beauty, what do you think of the male star Zhong Shaoqing's plastic surgery that is hotly discussed on the Internet?"

That tone, that posture, is like a taxi driver chatting with a passenger.

This role-playing is really good enough, even if you don't accept it.

However, Lin Zitong knew very well that he was exploring her attitude in a different way.

She smiled perfunctorily, with a firm tone: "Handsome guy, I believe he didn't have plastic surgery, what do you think?"

With a lecture tone, he mocked lightly: "Hehe, I think you are blind!"

Too lazy to argue with him, she simply shut up.

The man sent her to her destination and held out two fingers towards her.

At first, Lin Zitong thought he was making a V sign to her, and felt a little baffled.

yeah! ?

Oh? !
Want to smoke?
Possibly a boo.

For a moment, he didn't stretch his finger back.

Oh, she quickly realized that this probably meant asking for the fare.

So, she took out two sheets of Grandpa Mao from her bag, and when she was about to hand them to him, she only heard him correct him displeasedly.

"20! Wechat transfer!"

That tone is exactly the same as that of a taxi driver!
But the asking price of the fare is very different!

"What?" She was taken aback for a moment, then she became angry and agitated: "20! Why don't you rob the bank!"

As if he had expected her to be surprised, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth: "robbing a bank is breaking the law, we are law-abiding citizens, don't we have to be conscious?"

"I've grown up so much, I've taken taxis countless times, and I've never met someone who charged 20 yuan for an hour's drive."

She glared at him angrily, and bargained rationally with the driver like a passenger: "I'll give you two hundred at most! Do you want to love me or not! You said you would drag me!"

The man hooked his thin lips, leaned on the driver's seat, and said lazily, "I said I'll pull it along the way, but it's not on the way."

This is the truth, it is only on the way back to the villa.

Lin Zitong was speechless, he was so choked that he couldn't speak a word.

You can only complain in your heart, then you don't have to mess with it!
She worked hard all day filming, and she couldn't earn 20, okay?

It costs 20 yuan to take his car. She might as well owe him a favor and call someone else to pick him up.

The corner of You Haoze's mouth raised, and he said nonsense in a serious manner: "Beauty, I really didn't cheat you. I, a big president with an income of tens of thousands of yuan per minute, will be your driver. The price is really very reasonable."

(End of this chapter)

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