Chapter 707 Peeping
Is she so unattractive to him now?
She looked in front of her a little dejectedly, and she didn't seem to have shrunk!

After taking a shower and coming out, You Haoze was no longer in the room.

Looking at the empty room, she suddenly felt empty and uncomfortable. She was really uncomfortable without his presence.

Everything was so quiet except for the sound of her breathing.

There is no doubt that he loves her and cares about her, but she always feels that he seems to be hiding something from her.

After leaving the door of the bedroom, she walked to the study by a strange coincidence.

The light in the study was on, probably because the air conditioner was turned on, but the door was closed.

Fortunately, the door of the study was not closed tightly.

Lin Zitong looked into the room through the small crack of the door, and You Haoze was sitting at the desk, flipping through the documents.

It seems that he is really busy!
She stood at the door, just watched quietly, without knocking.

Although she knew in her heart that it was impolite and immoral to peep outside the door, she just couldn't control her curiosity.

She laughed at herself, never expecting that one day it would be her turn to spy on him.

Now, she somewhat understands why You Haoze wanted to peek at her phone so much before.

It's probably a similar thought, either because she really wants to invade, violate her privacy, or just want to know what she has done and what is going on in her heart.

After standing outside the study for a while, she returned to her room.

Turned on the TV, tuned a TV drama channel, Lin Zitong didn't even notice what was playing on it.

She was thinking all over her mind, how should she communicate with You Haoze?

You Haoze doesn't look like a person who doesn't distinguish between public and private!
Why was the filming of the drama "The Young Master with a Fan" terminated?

Could it be because the male protagonist Zhong Shaoqing is involved in a plastic surgery scandal?
After investing so much money in the early stage, it would be too capricious to say no to filming.

Now that he is angry, she doesn't want to provoke him, but it doesn't mean she just compromised.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, as Zhong Shaoqing said, You Haoze is manipulating everything behind the scenes to discredit her and force her to quit the entertainment circle.

She can put this matter aside and not pursue it for now.

However, You Haoze terminated the filming of "The Young Master with a Fan", she will not sit idly by anyway.

The actors of the crew hang on to the wire all day long, the staff pull the steel wires to the point of weakness, and wear heavy costumes to shoot martial arts scenes in summer, etc. After going through hardships and hardships, they can't just stop halfway through the filming like this.

If you give up halfway, what is the hard work before?
But, how can she persuade You Haoze to pay attention?
In addition, it was exposed on the Internet that Zhong Shaoqing's plastic surgery was obviously done by You Haoze, who deliberately punished Zhong Shaoqing.

It is undeniable that the old photos that You Haoze exposed were of Zhong Shaoqing's appearance when he was a teenager, and they really don't resemble the current Zhong Shaoqing.

However, the shape of Zhong Shaoqing's face doesn't seem to have changed much between a teenager and an adult.

As for the facial features, they should have opened up.

Zhong Shaoqing himself has acquiesced that he has no plastic surgery.

She has seen his face when he was a child, and she can help to clarify that he did not have plastic surgery.

But, how did she explain to You Haoze?

Is she really going to make You Haoze angry because of Zhong Shaoqing?

When she was in a daze, her cell phone rang.

It's Su Shanshan's call.

"Sister Shanshan."

Su Shanshan's tone was a little anxious, and it seemed that there was a trace of reproach: "Zi Tong, why did you go to Zhong Shao's private villa to find him?"

Lin Zitong subconsciously asked back, "Mr. You told you?"

(End of this chapter)

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