Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 708 Foolishly deliver it to your door?

Chapter 708 Foolishly deliver it to your door?
Upon hearing this, her first reaction was that You Haoze told Su Shanshan.

Is he looking for a helper to help train her?
Hmph, this man!

Su Shanshan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized: "Has Mr. You already known?"

Fainted, didn't You Haoze say it?
Now it was Lin Zitong's turn to be stunned, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a self-deprecating arc.

Damn it, why can't she change her habit of always doubting him?No wonder You Haoze got angry with her.

She has really worked hard to overcome this problem.

"Mr. You went to Zhong Shao's villa to find me, and he went to pick me up."

Su Shanshan on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief, and her tone became gentle: "Oh, that's good, I'm scared to death."

She was confused and couldn't help asking: "Sister Shanshan, what happened?"

Su Shanshan has always been calm and calm, she is not a person who is surprised at first glance, her words and deeds are too strange.

"I just received the news that you went to Mr. Zhong's private villa to find him in the afternoon. The paparazzi took photos and videos of the two of you. It is estimated that tomorrow's newspaper headlines will be published. I am planning to report this to President You. I'll let you know in advance."

Ah, how could this be?
Lin Zitong frowned, almost breaking out in cold sweat.

She has always been very keen on paparazzi stalking, and she can detect any trouble around her.

How could she be so careless today?

It was stolen, photographed, and I didn't feel anything at all.

"Sister Shanshan, what kind of photos and videos did you take, have you seen them?"

The paparazzi who have been in the entertainment industry are very skilled in taking pictures, and the camera angles are known to be tricky, and they can always take special photos.

She is really worried, will the paparazzi take pictures that make people think?
Who knows how those wicked Yuji will add fuel to the story?

Their tricks of pretentiousness and out of context are obvious to all.

"It's just that I can't see it, so I don't know what to do."

After a pause, Su Shanshan sighed, with a tone of hatred that iron cannot be made into steel.

"Zitong, it's not that I want to talk about you, okay, what are you going to do in Zhong Shao's villa? Don't you know that he is in the whirlpool of public opinion now?

These days, almost the entire entertainment industry is targeting him. There must be many paparazzi ambushing around the villa where he lives, waiting to dig for material.

Are you worried that those paparazzi have no news to expose, so why are you so stupid to deliver it to your door? "

That's right, Lin Zitong slapped his forehead in frustration, why didn't she think of this?

As soon as she recognized Zhong Shaoqing as her childhood friend, she ran to him with great excitement, without thinking about these issues at all.

What should I do now that I have caused so much trouble?
When she was feeling remorseful, she suddenly heard Su Shanshan say something earnestly.

"How much effort did Mr. You take to rescue you from the fire pit, and you jumped into the fire pit again?"

"Sister Shanshan, what does your last sentence mean?"

She really didn't understand, when did You Haoze rescue her from the fire again?
Su Shanshan was referring to, did You Haoze settle the hotel scandal between her and Zhong Shaoqing?

Probably not, it sounds like something else is hidden.

So, what good deed did You Haoze do, but kept it from her?

Su Shanshan cleared her throat and said: "Boss You said that the most effective way to reduce the popularity of a topic is to create new hot topics."

You Haoze has super high IQ and EQ, and Lin Zitong agrees with him very much.

The best way to reduce the heat of one thing is to cover it with the heat of other things.

(End of this chapter)

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