Chapter 712 Thunderbolt!

The stock price drop hurt the interests of shareholders, and people's hearts were unstable. Therefore, he fell out with the group of shareholders on the board of directors.

These, you will know the company news on the Internet. 】

After reading the news sent by Xiao Zifeng, Lin Zitong was stunned, his head throbbed like a needle.

Such news was like a bolt from the blue to her!

If it hadn't been for Xiao Zifeng's mention, she had hardly paid attention to the company's affairs, and always felt that You Haoze was resourceful, shrewd and capable, and the company's financial resources were booming under his management.

When she checked the company's status online, she couldn't help but gasped.

The financial news published on the website before had eye-catching headlines: [You's Group's stock price fell, and its market value evaporated by 10 billion in a short period of time], [You's Group was in deep financial crisis, employees resigned one after another], [You's Group's president had to Selling some assets to tide over the difficulties]...

The company's stock price has been in a downward trend, and has fallen by more than [-] points in a short period of time.

Although such a decline is not enough to shake the foundation of the company, no one can guarantee what will happen to the company in the future if it keeps falling.

The fall in stock price is particularly unfavorable to the company's refinancing. If the company has a good project to start and needs to refinance, it will directly affect the company's subsequent issuance of shares.

In addition, the decline in stock prices will cause public opinion pressure on the company and have a certain impact on reputation. If the stock price is in a continuous downward trend, it will undermine the confidence of investors and management to a certain extent.

When the company's stock price falls significantly below the company's value, it may be at risk of being acquired.

Seeing the news that the company was in deep crisis, Lin Zitong felt his mind was empty.

No wonder he bit her like that to vent his emotions that night.

During that time, she had a cold war with You Haoze, and even filed for divorce with him, which made his depressed mood even worse.

I remember that one day during breakfast, You Haoze answered the phone, and she heard him discussing the stock price with the other party.

At that time, he was talking about the stock price falling, but she didn't pay much attention to it at the time.

If she could be more careful, considerate him more, and care about him more, she wouldn't let him bear so much mental pressure alone.

When he encountered a company crisis, not only did she not take good care of him, but she even got into a fight with him, adding unnecessary trouble to him.

She regretted it so much, she really shouldn't have a cold war with him, she shouldn't have lost her temper with him.

That day, she also quarreled with him because he exposed the video of her slapping Zhong Shaoqing in the face in the tea restaurant.

It was on that day that he turned his back on her for the first time, and even asked for a divorce.

Probably because of the situation in the company, he was under too much pressure, and his temper would be hot.

The next few days were very peaceful, he didn't mention the divorce again, and she gradually dispelled her worries.

In fact, some things are traceable.

During that time, he was very busy, too busy to eat, and often worked overtime alone until midnight.

During that time, he didn't want to take her to the company with him.

During those days of the Cold War, short green scum appeared on his chin, and there was an unconcealable fatigue between his brows.

In the study room where he works, there are more than a dozen cigarette butts, large and small, in the ashtray.

She asked him to help pay back [-] million to the scumbag father, but he still hasn't paid it back.

The other night, he said to her, 'If one day I have nothing, will you still be with me? '

She had sensed at the time that he was depressed, but she hadn't given it much thought, thinking it was his refusal of the wedding proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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