Chapter 713 How Can She Be So Bad? !

Being held in the palm of his hand, doted on by him, and protected by him tightly, but she doesn't know that she has a peaceful and peaceful life because he stands in front of her.

The world he showed her was simple, but the world hidden behind him was complicated.

He is the one who loves her the most in this world, and he leaves all his happiness to her, but she leaves him busy with his own affairs.

Lin Zitong burst into tears, and finally couldn't hold back any emotions.

Mingming was so sad that she cried, but she was so happy that she died.

She never paid attention to it, so many things happened in the company.

She never knew that he had lived so hard these days.

During these days, she would only fight with him, bother him, rely on him, let him coax her, and let him take care of her, but she never took the initiative to care about him.

The problems in the company were all caused by her.

He always gives her the simple and happy side, hides the pain and pressure deeply, and bears it alone where she can't see it.

However, she also misunderstood his heart and wronged him.

If she could care about him a little more, even a little bit, she would be able to find out how hard he was.

Depression, regret, annoyance, guilt, self-blame...

Lin Zitong felt his head was a mess, and his heart felt like it was being crushed. He had never hated himself so much as he did now.

How can she be so bad? !

How could she be so cruel to him? !
After wiping away tears, washing his face, and making sure that he didn't look that bad, Lin Zitong got up and went to the study to find You Haoze.

He couldn't bear to see her tears.

She didn't want him to see her crying, he would be very distressed.

The light in the study room has been turned off, and it seems that he is no longer in the study room.

Where has he gone?
He didn't go back to the bedroom, did he plan to sleep in the guest room again at night?
The door of the guest room was closed, and it was dark inside. She turned the doorknob, but it couldn't be opened.

Not wanting to wait any longer, she flexed her knuckles and knocked on the door.

In the guest room, You Haoze was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, when he heard regular knocks on the door, again and again, as if knocking on his heart.

No need to ask, he also knew who was knocking on the door.

Turning on the light, he got up to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Lin Zitong, like a wronged child seeing his mother, rushed to hug him, and buried his head in his arms.

You Haoze was stunned, a little confused about what was going on in front of him.

Why did his wife suddenly become so enthusiastic?
It's incredible!

It has to be said that the beautiful woman took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, and the feeling of being hugged by Wenxiang nephrite is good.

However, it is very useful in my heart, but I don't think so in my mouth.

He curled his fingers, lightly scratched the tip of her nose, and smiled jokingly: "For 20, you really worked hard."

Lin Zitong didn't say anything, let go of his hand, and turned to his neck.

Looking at the face close at hand, she tiptoed and kissed her.

He froze for a moment, and then responded obsessively, holding the back of her head with one hand, deepening the mouth,,, no.

Finally, he came out, panting and backed away.

I almost didn't hold,, hold.

She buried her head in his arms and said sullenly, "Hao Ze, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

He was slightly taken aback, and then asked her, "What's the matter?"

Her mind was confused, and she was talking to herself regretfully.

"I'm so bad, I always drag you down. I caused the company to fall into financial crisis and caused you to suffer so much mental pressure. I often make troubles and leave a mess for you to clean up."

(End of this chapter)

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