Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 736 If Young Master Li doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, I'm naturally not

Chapter 736 If Young Master Li doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, I'm naturally not afraid.

The man stroked the delicate cufflinks, and glanced at her amusedly: "Don't you want to know the answer?"

"Melon Tian Li Xia, shouldn't you avoid suspicion?"

Is it plausible for people to see two people sitting next to each other?
Thinking back to the previous few times, when the two of them met, he was always messing with her, which was extremely disgusting.

Now, she especially resented being alone with him.

No matter how close she was to this man in the past and how close they were, now she doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore.

Of course, in this living room, she didn't believe that Li Xinyou dared to do anything to her.

It's just that the two of them were too close, if someone happened to bump into her, she wouldn't be able to speak clearly even with ten mouths.

Some troubles can be avoided and should be avoided.

However, the man seems to have never heard of it.

The next moment, he stood up again and approached her straight.

The tall figure enveloped her, the familiar breath penetrated into her nostrils, the invisible pressure continued to overwhelm, Lin Zitong's breathing stagnated slightly.

The man snorted coldly: "Why are you so afraid of me?"

Instinctively, she took two steps back without even looking at him. "If Young Master Li doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, I'm naturally not afraid."

He sneered and teased her: "Are you sure you want to talk to me about those secret things on this occasion?"

Hearing the voice of his words, she was annoyed in her heart, and said calmly: "You just need to tell me the name, I don't think there is anything else to talk about between us."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said jokingly: "Hehe, the name of the person is in my mind, but unfortunately I can't remember it for a while. The air in this living room is not very circulated. Going outside for a breath of fresh air should remember it."

What the hell!

The manor is very green. The living room has a presumptuous lighting design. It is clean, bright and tidy. The two large floor-to-ceiling windows are open for ventilation. How can there be no air circulation?
It was clearly his excuse!
Whether he would tell her or not, he just didn't want to give her a good time!
If it wasn't for the fact that Mo Guiying was in the kitchen, she really wanted to yell at him a few times.

"Zi Tong, let's go outside for a walk together?"

The attitude and tone of the man's speech hardly changed.

It was as if he was still her boyfriend, and the two had just parted for a while.

Familiar voice, familiar tone, familiar words.

This man still knew her so well that he could even guess her state of mind. He asked the two of them to go out for a walk, which made it difficult for her to refuse.

Memories flooded into her mind like a flood.

In the past, the scenes of the two of them getting along reminded her that the two of them used to have such a good time.

She was fighting fiercely in her heart, and her eyes showed struggle and hesitation unconsciously.

Wanting to know the answer so much, she finally nodded.

Even though it was not appropriate to go out with him alone, but staying in this living room, he refused to tell her that she had no choice.

Then, she called Aunt Zhang on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

For her, Aunt Zhang is her own person and she can be trusted.

Last time she won a bet with You Haoze, when he was about to fire Aunt Zhang, she begged for mercy and let Aunt Zhang stay.

Because of this, Aunt Zhang was very grateful to her, so she used it for her.

She explained a few words on the phone, and Aunt Zhang agreed.

"Okay, ma'am, don't worry, I will protect you secretly, and I will follow you in a while."

"Be careful, don't let Shao find out."


Lin Zitong walked out of the living room of the main house together with the man striding ahead.

Sure enough, I saw Aunt Zhang guarding the door.

(End of this chapter)

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