Chapter 737 Haha, are you jealous?
"Aunt Zhang."

Lin Zitong greeted Aunt Zhang generously and gave her a wink to let her follow quietly.

She and Li Xinyou walked in tandem, deliberately lowering their steps.

The manor is so big, so don't let Aunt Zhang lose it.

In the past, she didn't take precautions against Li Xinyou at all. She felt that he was an honest gentleman, he acted aboveboard, and treated others with integrity.

When he was with him, he never forced her to do something she didn't want to do.

However, after seeing each other for several years, she didn't know what this man had gone through.

Today, he is beyond recognition.

Walking along the long tree-lined path, Lin Zitong looked at his cold back with mixed emotions in his heart.

The tall trees on both sides of the road shaded the sun, and it was very cool to be in it.

Mottled light spots decorate the surroundings, making everything in front of you a bit dreamy.

The world seemed to stand still.

For some reason, she had the illusion of going back to when they were in love.

It used to be so beautiful.

At that time, they strolled together on the quiet path of the campus, walking quietly, and no one wanted to break the silence.

The warm sunshine shone on his face, and that picture seemed to be the most beautiful scenery in the world.

She looked at him and slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

At that moment, she felt happy.

I even thought to myself, it will be like this for the rest of my life.

It's a pity that she is no longer a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, and she will be brilliant without some sunshine.

The past is vivid, and the warmth of first love under the tree is long gone forever.

Along the way, her mood has been ups and downs like the tide.

Walking under a big banyan tree in the garden, Lin Zitong stopped: "Let's talk about it here."

There is a rockery in the garden, and it would be perfect for Aunt Zhang to hide behind the rockery.

At such a distance, they couldn't hear the content of their conversation, but they could see their every move.

Moreover, the weather is a bit sultry, and it is just right to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

Li Xinyou paused, and did not make things difficult for her anymore.

Lin Zitong glanced around and saw Aunt Zhang poking her head behind the rockery, the two of them looked at each other and hurriedly averted their eyes.

Aunt Zhang shrank back again.

The man followed her out of the corner of his eye, and looked towards the rockery. He knew it in his heart, but he didn't expose it.

Lin Zitong forced a smile, and asked him in a serious tone: "Young Master Li, can you tell me now?"

A smile floated in his clear eyes, he lowered his eyes and looked at her face.

"Who sent the video to me, you should have already guessed it? You see that you have many admirers and so many rivals in love. Those men only want to get you, but they don't want to help you deal with the aftermath. Tell me, are they too realistic? "

That's not as realistic as you!
Her smiling face froze all of a sudden, and she said angrily, "Young Master Li, are you too gossip?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she suddenly understood something.

Rival?In other words, the video was sent to him by a woman.

It's really not Zhong Shaoqing!
So, who is her rival in love?Seems like a lot!

"Gossip?" He thought it was a little funny, and asked back: "Don't you understand that all my thoughts are on you?"

Lin Zitong felt uncomfortable hearing his provocative tone without avoiding suspicion, and had to pretend to be free and easy.

"Hehe, it wasn't you who said you liked You Xinyi just now?"

Those ironic words sounded like heaven to Li Xinyou, and the smile on his lips deepened.

"Haha, are you jealous? That's just to tell them on purpose. You should know my heart better than anyone else."

(End of this chapter)

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