Chapter 738: Guilt!

Lin Zitong raised his eyes, and his gaze collided with him inadvertently.

The man's eyes were as deep as an abyss, and at this moment he was staring at her burningly, his eyes were full of her figure.

It's like this again, affectionate for no reason.

Being stared at like that, her face burned, and her eyes full of affection made people want to escape.

They have already broken up, so what is it for him to put on this affectionate look?

Unable to bear the oppressive feeling of such a confrontation, Lin Zitong felt upset for a while.

Li Xinyou watched her quietly, with a gentle light in his eyes, and said with a bit of relief: "Zi Tong, I have always loved you, come back to me. In this life, I only love you."

I really don't know this kind of love talk, how did he come to it as soon as he opened his mouth?

He is a bitch!
Simply shameless.

She wanted to turn around and leave, but she was unwilling to get the answer she wanted.

"Li Shao, can you be more funny? We broke up long ago, I'm married, and You Haoze is me..."

Li Xinyou was unmoved at all, with a hint of sadness in his eyes, and cut off her words in a cold tone.

"So what? I don't care at all. As long as you divorce You Haoze, I am willing to accept you unconditionally."

Lin Zitong was watched deeply by his cold and ambiguous eyes, which made her feel a little nervous.

Ever since she knew that he was the son of the society, she had been afraid of this man.

She couldn't tell whether she hated this man more or feared him more.

"What kind of woman are you looking for? Why do you need to pester me?"

He looked down at her condescendingly, with aggressive eyes, as if he wanted to devour her.

"You are the only thing I want. I can give you what You Haoze can give you, even more than him."

"In this world, I only want You Haoze. No one can give me the love I want except You Haoze."

Her complexion suddenly sank, and the faint smile on her lips had disappeared.

"From the time you fell in love with Jiang Caiyun and decided to get engaged to her, it is impossible for me to accept you again in this life."

The voice was muffled and sounded annoyed.

Li Xinyou's heart ached inexplicably.

"What about You Haoze?"

The smile on his lips deepened, but his eyes suddenly turned cold. "He has a child with your own sister Xin Ying, how can you tolerate him if he does such a careless thing?"

The words of accusation are like heated chocolate, with a hint of bitterness.

Lin Zitong's expression froze, almost thinking that there was something wrong with his ears.

He even knew the secret that Xin Ying was pregnant with a child!

It seems that there is nothing, is he not aware of it?
Was he really being manipulated behind all this?
After being stunned for a moment, she slowly came back to her senses.

Perhaps, Xin Ying's pregnancy was revealed to him by You Xinyi?
Well, very likely, so it's not surprising that he knew about it.

Her expression returned to calm, and she smiled nonchalantly: "He was framed."

Maybe I was framed by you!
"Why don't you think that I was framed too?" The man's voice was a little fast, as if he was afraid that she wouldn't listen. "Why didn't you say a word to question me when we broke up?"

Lin Zitong's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he stared at the man in front of him with wide eyes.

She had a look on her face that you thought I was stupid.

He was framed?
A man's mouth, a liar.

To be honest, she didn't believe it at all, no matter how serious his eyes were, they were all fake.

Obviously he was the one who climbed the dragon and attached the phoenix, and in pursuit of glory and wealth, he cruelly abandoned her.

(End of this chapter)

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