Chapter 747 Infertility? !
He's going to be the best dad ever.

Before the test results came out, she had already started looking forward to the life of a family of three.

Thinking of You Haoze holding the baby happily and contentedly, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

Then, Lin Zitong unexpectedly saw a woman, wearing a light blue dress and a denim jacket, coming out of the obstetrics and gynecology department.

It was strange how she felt that the man looked so much like You Xinyi, and the dress he was wearing was exactly the same.

However, the woman was wearing sunglasses and a mask, so she couldn't see her face clearly.

She opened her eyes and took a closer look, and saw that the woman had a big belly, and to put it bluntly, she was just wearing the same skirt.

Looking at the screen in the lobby, the name displayed on it is Li Miaohan.

Sure enough, she was thinking too much.

Looking at the number in his hand again, there are still three people in line ahead.

A wave of nausea hit her, and she ran to the bathroom again, holding on to the toilet and retching.

So disgusting, she said she wasn't pregnant, and she didn't believe it herself.

It's all because Li Xinyou is so disgusting, really hateful, he actually molested her when she was not even a little bit off guard.

At that time, she should have stepped on him a few more times to relieve her anger.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.

Doctor Yang looked at the visitor in a panic: "What's the problem?"

The mysterious woman wearing sunglasses and a mask sat down opposite Dr. Yang, with a gloomy face and a cold aura all over her body.

"Doctor Yang, I want to know, what did you talk to that patient just now?"

When Lin Zitong returned to the hall, he happened to see another woman wearing sunglasses and a mask coming out of the obstetrics and gynecology department.

She couldn't help wondering what day it was and why everyone was wearing sunglasses and masks.

However, she wears it herself, so she has no position to interfere with other people.

Finally, it was her turn to call her number.

"Lin Zitong, you are not pregnant."

How could you not be pregnant?
Lin Zitong was taken aback for a moment, as if an ice cube had been stuffed into his mouth, and his heart became cold all of a sudden.

For a moment, she couldn't speak.

"This is the blood test report, the B-ultrasound report, you can read it yourself."

Lin Zitong took the report card and quickly glanced at it. It was clearly written in black and white that she was not pregnant.

After taking a few deep breaths, she comforted herself that it was all right, there was no rush, just let nature take its course.

Not pregnant, pregnant, she can continue filming, how wonderful.

Anyway, she is still so young, she will have plenty of opportunities in the future.

However, the sense of loss in my heart can only be experienced by myself.

After calming down for a while, she still asked with all her heart.

"Doctor Yang, I've been retching, how could I not be pregnant?"

"Hold out your hand, and I'll give you a pulse."

Well, she took back her previous prejudice against young doctors, as expected, all gynecologists can feel the pulse.

She stretched out her wrist, quietly waiting for Dr. Yang to feel her pulse.

After 1 minute, Dr. Yang frowned, and said seriously: "Your body function is a little disordered, and your body is very weak. Moreover, according to your B-ultrasound sheet and blood test results, it is polycystic and follicular dysplasia. , Zi,, Gong Xiao, you are probably suffering from infertility."

Infertility? !
It was like a thunderbolt from the blue.

How could this be?
Lin Zitong's already lost mood instantly fell to the bottom and became terrible.

Her heart contracted tightly, and the sound of heartbeat, thump, thump, throbbing, was clearly audible.

A woman who is infertile means that she loses the joy of being a mother. How can life be fulfilled?

(End of this chapter)

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