Chapter 748 How should she face You Haoze?
I really want to cry without tears, she is still so young!
How come... infertility?
Xin Ying once asked her, 'You have been married for so long, have you never been pregnant?Are you unable to give birth yourself? '

At that time, she didn't take it to heart.

Just yesterday, she joked with You Haoze, 'Maybe I can't have children? '

God, she was just talking for fun, how could it come true?
In her heart, she never thought that she would suffer from infertility.

No, there must be a mistake somewhere.

She has never done anything wrong in her life, and God will not treat her so cruelly.

After losing her hands and feet for a long time, she gradually returned to her senses. She adjusted her breathing and tried to calm down her flustered heartbeat.

"Doctor Yang, could there be a mistake?"

There are so many people tested every day in the hospital, sometimes the doctors are careless, and it is not uncommon for the report to be mistaken.

"If you don't believe me, you can go to another hospital for another examination. I'm pretty sure that you're not pregnant."

At this moment, what Lin Zitong was concerned about was not whether she was pregnant, but why she was infertile?
"Doctor Yang, I have never had a miscarriage, why am I infertile?"

Dr. Yang told her a lot of technical terms. She didn't understand those medical terms, but she understood the meaning.

In this life, the chance of her conceiving a child is too slim.

Not being able to be a mother is the saddest thing in a woman's life.

The doctor's parents thought that Dr. Yang would never tell her that she would never have children again.

That would be a devastating blow to her.

"Before, did you take birth control pills?"

For a moment, Lin Zitong seemed to hear the sound of her blood vessels flowing, and she nodded with difficulty.

Indeed, she has eaten, quite a few times.

Sometimes You Haoze forgets to wear it when things happen.

She didn't even know if he did it on purpose, or if he came and felt carried away for a while.

Afterwards, he never forgot to tell her not to take medicine, and to give birth to a child if she had one.

However, she still secretly took the medicine behind his back.

In the past two or three years, although I haven't eaten it every month, the number of times I have eaten it is really beyond ten fingers.

Even if it is not an emergency contraceptive or pregnancy drug, there are still some harms.

When taking it, she was mentally prepared and knew that the medicine would have side effects.

However, she didn't know that the side effects were so severe.

I haven't taken that medicine for more than half a year, but it has already caused such irreparable consequences.

It's fine now, and I don't need to take that medicine anymore.

But why isn't she a little bit lucky?

Is this digging your own grave?
Like being pierced by thorns, there is a fine sting in my heart.

How should she face You Haoze?
God knows how much he wishes she could conceive his child.

"In addition, your physique is too poor. Today's young people go on a diet to lose weight. Blind dieting will lead to a lack of necessary fat in the body, which will cause female estrogen secretion disorders, affect normal ovulation, and in severe cases can lead to amenorrhea and even infertility. "

Lin Zitong's heart was in a mess, and his whole heart was pulled into a ball.

You Haoze told her before, don't go on a diet, it is not easy to conceive a child if you are too thin.

It seems that he really has a vision.

It's just that he predicted several times recently that she was pregnant, why couldn't he be right?

He had always longed to have children of their own, how could she have the heart to let him down?
"Doctor Yang, can my situation be cured? If I am in a hurry to have a baby, can I do a test-tube baby?"

(End of this chapter)

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