Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 751 You Haoze, starting today, it's over between us!

Chapter 751 You Haoze, starting today, it's over between us!

However, when talking to the mobile phone, she pretended to be frightened and her voice trembled.

"Brother, do you think sister-in-law and Brother Xinyou have an unusual relationship? Tell me, did they know each other before?
Brother Xinyou is my boyfriend now, my sister-in-law is going too far!You have to call the shots for me!

I'm your own sister, you can't leave me alone! "

You Haoze clenched his fist with one hand and gritted his teeth angrily: "You break up with Li Xinyou immediately! Otherwise, don't blame me for not recognizing your sister!"

Before You Xinyi could speak again, he cut off the phone mercilessly, with a dark and handsome face, he strode towards the elevator.

You Haoze drove that Rolls-Royce all the way, a layer of ice was condensed on his stern face.

The slender fingers held the steering wheel vigorously, and drove to the villa at lightning speed.

In the villa, Lin Zitong had just finished taking a shower when he heard knocks on the door frantically.

She didn't want to pay attention to it, but the knock on the door seemed to be ringing tirelessly, making people extremely disturbed.

It made her already sad mood worse.

Struggling, hesitating, wandering, she finally opened the door.

The man standing at the door had a gloomy expression, and his whole body exuded terrifying anger.

Her heart beat uncontrollably, and she raised her eyes to meet his sinister gaze.

With a bang, the door was slammed shut.

Then she was kicked against the wall.

The man bowed his head, and kissed her hard, hard, but when she refused, he pinched her jaw and forced her to open her mouth.

"You Haoze, what are you doing!"


The man lifted her onto his shoulders and threw her on the back without mercy.

"I'm not in the mood!"

Unexpectedly, the man's big hand suddenly entered, until it touched a thick layer of touch, feeling, and then stopped.

Luckily, he doesn't have a habit of getting bloody and angry.

However, she still thought of him too simply.

The next moment, he pulled off his tie and tied her hands together.

Then, he lowered Yadouku and held her head down.

Once, it was like a sharp knife cutting her face.

She is as humble as a dog!

The heart shattered into pieces in the chest cavity.

At that moment, she burst into tears, looked at him weakly and helplessly, only saw his sullen expression, and there was no pity for her in those black eyes.

I don't know how many times I repeated the same action until the monkey's head became hot.

He withdraws,, out of himself.

He put his hand over her mouth again.

Forcing her to swallow everything, he will let her go.

"You Haoze, I hate you!"

"Remember to hate forever!"



Then, as if nothing happened, he untied the tie in her hand, tidied up his clothes and went out.

Lin Zitong didn't understand why he treated her like this.

When she needed comfort and care the most, he actually humiliated her, trampled her and hurt her so much.

However, it's fine if the two of them broke up like this, as long as she repays him.

What she owed him was written off.

Taking out her mobile phone, she sent him a message.

[You Haoze, from today onwards, it's over between us! 】

For the rest of her life, she was really the only one left.

She probably did something outrageous in her previous life, and her retribution is coming in this life.

Disappointed tears rolled down the corners of his eyes.

Haha, crying?
Actually cried again.

I don't know why I became the person I hate the most!
Before, she was the most disdainful to shed tears.

Tears are the least valuable thing.

Useless people will cry all day long.

She was afraid that if she continued crying like this, she would go blind from crying. She didn't want to cry anymore, but the tears couldn't be stopped no matter what.

Maybe, if you are tired of crying, and cry until you don't want to cry, everything will be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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