Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 752 Some chapters must be said, and some things must be done.

Chapter 752 Some words must be said, and some things must be done.

I don't know how long I cried, probably because I was too tired from crying, Lin Zitong finally fell asleep.

Large floor-to-ceiling glass windows, the curtains are open, and the panoramic view of the villa area can be seen.

The bright sunlight shines in through the glass windows and sprinkles on the carpet, bright and gentle.

A new day has begun.

When Lin Zitong woke up, the sun was already high.

After sleeping, my mood is still low, but it is obviously much better than yesterday's messy mood.

Life is impermanent and unpredictable.

Life is going to go on after all.

As time goes by, the scars in my heart will heal one day.

She gritted her teeth and told herself that she didn't come to this world to suffer.

Only by daring to face the cruel reality can we truly be freed.

Infertility is God's will, live a good life and live out your own style.

Stretching, she walked to the window and looked through the window.

In the backyard, there was originally a large piece of lawn, and a piece of it was cut out, and strawberries had already been planted.

Yesterday, she and You Xinyi were still arguing over that piece of land.

Today, she agrees with You Xinyi's point of view somewhat, and it really destroys the beauty of the entire lawn.

The mentality has changed, and the way of seeing people and things has also changed.

Having lived in this villa for two or three years, I have already gotten used to the life here, and I am familiar with every plant and tree here.

Thinking that I was about to move out of here, I felt reluctant to part with it.

Standing by the window for a long time, breathing the fresh air, full of nostalgia and reluctance, finally turned into a long sigh.

Then, Lin Zitong took out his mobile phone, called Xin Ying, and asked her to come out and meet.

All along, Xin Ying was the one looking for her. Where did she take the initiative to look for Xin Ying?

However, some words must be said, and some things must be done.

Taste drink in Flower Street.

Lin Zitong, who was wearing oversized sunglasses covering most of his face, got out of the car.

As soon as she entered the coffee shop, she saw a familiar figure of a woman sitting by the window, with an unconcealable smile hanging from the corner of her mouth.

At this time, the cafe just opened in the morning, so there were not many customers.

Such an elegant and quiet environment is especially suitable for heart-to-heart talks.

Lin Zitong walked over and sat down in the empty seat opposite Xin Ying, her eyes unconsciously fell on her slightly swollen abdomen, and an imperceptible pain flashed across her eyes.

Although she deliberately ignored it, she couldn't do it after all.

She is a woman, and she also has the small thoughts that all women have, and she is also jealous and jealous, but she is more tolerant.

"Is the baby moving?" As soon as the words came out, she felt a little sour in her tone.

"Well, it's been more than four months, and I can clearly feel the fetal movement these days. The baby is so naughty and keeps kicking me. The baby kicked me up before I woke up in the morning. This baby is very likely It's a boy."

Lin Zitong turned his eyes slightly, tried his best to suppress the pain in his heart, and said in a very calm tone: "Some female treasures are also very troublesome."

"Hehe, whether it's a male baby or a female baby, I like them both."

Xin Ying's face was filled with the brilliance of maternal love, and she looked happy with everything she had. "By the way, Aze, does he like boys or girls?"

If Xin Ying's pregnancy wasn't You Haoze's child, then the conversation between the two of them was actually quite like a commonplace between sisters.

Lin Zitong suffocated slightly, took a deep breath, and the corner of his mouth curled into a bitter arc, as if mocking himself.

"You should save yourself to ask him this question."

(End of this chapter)

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