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Chapter 766 Your sentence is very indecent, you have blown up your circle of friends.

Chapter 766 Your words are very indecent, you have blown up your circle of friends.

Rong Jing looked at her amusedly and helplessly: "Mrs. You, I want to drink more often, but can I drink more often? I'm going all out today because of you. I have already sacrificed myself so much. If I can't If you make me happy, then I will be at a loss."

"Yeah, I'm very happy."

Lin Zitong felt extremely grateful, just said this sentence, and heard Rong Jing say it next.

"Today's calorie limit is seriously exceeded. It's impossible not to save it. I have to go to the swimming pool to swim in a while to burn off calories. Do you want to go together?"

What the hell!

Just to put it bluntly, with a body as good as Rong Jing's, she doesn't seem like someone who would eat that kind of high-calorie junk food.

It seems that Rong Jing is really mean enough to go out of her way for her friend.

She hesitated for a while, and said apologetically after a while: "I, I'm on my period, so it's not convenient."

Rong Jing's expression froze for a moment, and she screamed in a low voice: "Wow, why didn't you say it earlier!"

"After eating those barbecues and drinking milk tea in the afternoon, you don't have any stomach discomfort now, right? If something goes wrong, your family will always have to skin me. I can't bear the responsibility."

It's too exaggerated!
Lin Zitong was speechless, was You Haoze as scary as Rong Jing said?

It felt like Rong Jing described him like a scourge.

In fact, why would Rong Jing be afraid of him? Didn't she often call him a scumbag behind his back?

"Oh, stop mocking me. Why don't you just eat some junk food, what else can go wrong besides gaining weight. Let's go to the swimming pool together, and I'll watch you swim from the sidelines."

Rong Jing rolled her eyes, and immediately had an idea: "Why don't we go play billiards?"

Playing billiards is the number one leisure sport in modern times. It can not only cultivate concentration, but also keep fit and shape the body. It is particularly effective in relaxing and decompressing.

When mentioning the sport of billiards, Lin Zitong looked very interested, and a smile immediately rose from the corner of his lips: "Okay."

Rong Jing frowned, showing a pleading and pitiful expression.

"Zi Tong, you have to give me some time on the table. Although you are in a bad mood today, you can't vent your anger on me. Remember to save me some face, don't let me lose too badly .”

Lin Zitong coughed lightly: "I haven't played for a long time, and I don't know if I can still play as well as before."

Rong Jing snorted: "Your words are very indecent, you have blown up your circle of friends."

Yunshang Billiards Club.

Because of its proximity to the university town and on weekends, the billiard club is very popular.

Disliking the stale air in the lobby, Rong Jing and Lin Zitong took their membership cards and went to the VIP box.

In the VIP box, the white ceiling is inlaid with light yellow chandeliers, the floor is covered with reddish-brown solid wood panels, and several decorative paintings are hung on the walls.

On the green billiard table, there are billiard balls of different colors, heralding the rhythm of a big game.

Coincidentally, there was no one else in the box, so Rong Jing took off her sunglasses.

Seeing Lin Zitong wearing sunglasses and aiming with a club, Rong Jing teased her: "Can you aim accurately with sunglasses?"

Lin Zitong calmly replied, "You will know by trying."

The two fought twice, and Rong Jing lost without any suspense.

Rong Jing couldn't help complaining: "I told you to let me go, and you still beat me to death, it's too uninteresting."

Lin Zitong straightened his sunglasses, and replied solemnly: "Isn't this enough for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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