Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 767 Beauty, you look like my ex-girlfriend.

Chapter 767 Beauty, you look like my ex-girlfriend.

Fuck, what this woman means is that wearing sunglasses can beat her up.

So bullying!
After comprehending the deep meaning in her words, Rong Jing almost went berserk: "Zi Tong, you play billiards too, you are too out of shape, you are not human at all!"

She tried her best to choose her words, and said comfortingly, "Jing Jing, in fact, you played very well, it's just that you lack a little patience."

"You're right, I'm just impatient. Let's compete again. I will beat you one day."

At this moment, the door of the box was opened.

Two men stood at the door.

One of the men was wearing a pair of white-rimmed glasses, looking refined.

The other man was tall and burly, and seemed to be the man's bodyguard.

Rong Jing's hand holding the club froze, and the next second she walked towards Lin Zitong, both of them raised their eyes and looked at the coming person defensively.

The man wearing glasses knocked on the door and asked politely, "Can I come in?"

Lin Zitong didn't say a word, Rong Jing nodded her head, which was her agreement.

The tall and burly bodyguard stood still at the door, and a gentle man with white-rimmed glasses walked in with a smile.

Of course, that man only looks gentle visually, and the aura in his bones is not possessed by ordinary gentlemen.

The man walked up to them and stood still, his eyes fell on Rong Jing's face: "Beauty, you look like my ex-girlfriend."

Lin Zitong looked at Rong Jing through the sunglasses, and smiled very reservedly.

This way of striking up a conversation is too old-fashioned, besides, she already has a boyfriend.

Rong Jing curled her lips, and whispered in her ear: "You don't even know how speechless I am. Many men always say this when they first meet me, making me look like the kind of nympho who hangs around among thousands of flowers Same, too shocked!"

These words made Lin Zitong almost unable to hold back his laughter.

Then, Rong Jing looked at the man with a sense of narrowness in her eyes: "It's not that I look like your ex-girlfriend, it's that your ex-girlfriend looks like me."

The man is also sensible: "Hello, two beauties, let me introduce myself, my name is Jiang Xuewen."

"Hello, Mr. Jiang."

Apparently, Rong Jing didn't intend to report her name, but just answered the phone perfunctorily.

Jiang Xuewen, why does this name sound familiar?

Lin Zitong was slightly taken aback, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the man.

Oh, it was him!

It is true that we meet everywhere in life.

He is the man who gave her a business card a few nights ago.

She glanced at the business card casually, and remembered the name, Jiang Xuewen.

Looking back now, she had already forgotten what he looked like when she saw him that day, but she clearly remembered that he was wearing a pair of white-rimmed glasses.

Feeling the excessive attention from the woman wearing sunglasses, Jiang Xuewen adjusted his glasses with a smile.

"Beauty, have we met somewhere?"

"Hello, Mr. Jiang. A few days ago, you gave me a business card."

Rong Jing glanced at Lin Zitong in surprise, as if she was asking with her eyes, "You guys know each other?" '?
Not really knowing each other, Lin Zitong shook his head calmly.

"What a coincidence, let me tell you, no wonder it looks so familiar." Jiang Xuewen stared at Lin Zitong, his eyes flashed with shock. "Hehe, the friends of beauties are also beauties. It seems that the saying 'Birds of a kind gather together and people are divided into groups'."

No need to exaggerate, Lin Zitong is recognized as a beauty, and the public's aesthetic standards are actually similar.

The man's words indirectly praised Rong Jing's beauty, and Rong Jing was instantly elated by the compliment.

"Mr. Jiang, you are handsome too."

(End of this chapter)

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