Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 770 Do you know, few people in this world can surprise me so much.

Chapter 770 Do you know, few people in this world can surprise me so much.

Does this man think too highly of me?

She aimed at the angle, moved the cue stick, and saw the white ball was like an arrow from the string, and it opened the ball with a 'snap'. Unexpectedly, she scored three goals at once.

When one's luck came, she couldn't stop it, even she was surprised.

Jiang Xuewen gave a thumbs up: "Amazing!"

He felt that this woman had an astonishing sensitivity to billiards, playing like a professional player.

Rong Jing applauded: "Awesome!"

Lin Zitong laughed at himself: "It's just luck!"

She lifted the cue up slightly and aimed at the white ball, only to hear a 'snap' sound, a rebound from the side table wall hit the black eight, and it hit the hole in no time.

In just a few minutes, Lin Zitong cleared his ball.

Cleared the table with one shot.

Lin Zitong put down the cue and smiled slightly: "Mr. Jiang, I have accepted."

Jiang Xuewen, who was still dusting his gun, was completely dumbfounded.

After being stunned for a moment, he said meaningfully: "Hehe, it really is that there are people beyond people and others beyond heaven."

Rong Jing smiled openly: "Mr. Jiang, are you convinced?"

Jiang Xuewen became interested: "Let's play another game, and play at that big snooker table."

Rong Jing provocatively said: "You will lose so much that you don't want to watch the pool table for the rest of your life."

Being sold by a good girlfriend again, Lin Zitong expressed helplessness, can she refuse?
Jiang Xuewen still asked Lin Zitong to tee off first in a very gentlemanly manner, but Lin Zitong was not polite to him.

Snooker had already started, Lin Zitong teeed off vigorously, luckily, he scored the ball on the first shot to decide the suit.

Most people scatter in two after the collision, such as those colored balls scattered all over the table, and may never have the chance to touch again.

When it was Jiang Xuewen's turn to play, Rong Jing was a little dazed.

It all depends on his performance alone. For the first time, she knows that the ball can still curve.

It really opened her eyes. Looking at Jiang Xuewen's dazzling shots, she was attracted by his miraculous performance.

The man played so wonderfully that Lin Zitong felt a lot of pressure.

Rong Jing and her looked at each other, looking at each other.

Fortunately, Jiang Xuewen didn't clear the table with one shot, and let her take a shot very gracefully, which saved her enough face.

In the end, the two drew a tie.

"Mr. Jiang, you are really good at billiards!"

As soon as Lin Zitong finished speaking, he suddenly felt cold, and his left hand was already held by someone.

"You play better than me, you know, few people in this world can surprise me so much."

Jiang Xuewen shook hands with her: "I haven't played so happily for a long time. Add a WeChat, and come back to discuss someday."

Lin Zitong was too dazed to think, so he suddenly withdrew his hand and took two steps back. "Sorry, I don't actually use WeChat very much, and I will see you again if there is a destiny."

Jiang Xuewen's hands froze in the air, hanging down weakly, and he smiled a little strangely: "Hehe, someday we will meet again by chance?"

Rong Jing finally sensed that something was wrong: "Mr. Jiang, my friend has found a wife."

Jiang Xuewen was slightly taken aback, and a dark light quickly flashed in his eyes, but he said in a relaxed tone: "Hehe, I don't mean anything else."

Originally, Jiang Xuewen wanted to invite Lin Zitong and Rong Jing to dinner, but they both politely declined.

After coming out of the billiards club, Rong Jing complained all the way.

"Zitong, why did you let that Jiang Xuewen go? You should beat him to pieces and run away. Are you deliberately embarrassing your sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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