Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 771 They are clearly flirting with you.

Chapter 771 They are clearly flirting with you.

Lin Zitong stared: "Didn't you see it? It was Mr. Jiang who let me. He saved face for me. In fact, I lost."

Rong Jing was quite surprised: "No way, you lost?"

Damn, she even boasted, mocking Jiang Xuewen, "You will lose so much that you don't want to watch the pool table in this life." '.

After thinking about it, she hummed dissatisfiedly: "Hmph, it's not that it's inconvenient for you to wear sunglasses. If you take off your sunglasses, you might be able to blow him up."

"It's hard to say. This Mr. Jiang must be a master of billiards. I'm just an amateur. I can't compare him. I don't care about him. I'm hungry. Let's find a place to eat first."

The two found a western restaurant nearby for dinner.

While waiting for the food to be served, Rong Jing had a thought: "Zi Tong, you said that if Mr. You knew that Jiang Xuewen was teasing you so much, would he hit him?"

Lin Zitong replied impeccably: "I've never seen Mr. You play billiards, I don't know if he can."

Rong Jing's blood rushed to her brain immediately, and she took a deep breath: "Are you pretending to be stupid with me on purpose? I'm talking about that man flirting with you. Why do you think you can't play billiards when you talk about it? He doesn't know how to play billiards." , as long as you can beat someone!"

Lin Zitong didn't take it seriously: "He is clearly flirting with you."

"You can pull it down, he is deliberately teasing you. Now I finally realized why that Jiang Xuewen lost, and deliberately knocked the white ball to the wrong side. I dare say he is trying to attract your attention. Look, he is holding You didn't let go of your hand, you didn't even shake my hand."

Rong Jing said with some resentment: "Every time I'm with you, you are that gorgeous red flower, and I become the supporting green leaf."

Why does this sound so sour?

"Don't talk nonsense." Lin Zitong smiled bitterly: "You know, my thoughts are all on Mr. You, and I won't take a second look at men other than him."

Rong Jing didn't have time to think: "Then you still want to divorce him?"

A string in Lin Zitong's mind suddenly tightened, and his face sank.

The two were silent, and there was an inexplicable and strange atmosphere in the air.

The waiter just came to serve the food.

During the meal, Rong Jing went to the bathroom and answered a phone call.

Back at the dinner table, she said, "Zi Tong, come live with me for a few days. My agent called me just now, and the company arranged for me to take a vacation next week, so I can play with you for a few days."

Lin Zitong couldn't wish for it: "Then I won't be polite."

In this situation, she really didn't want to go back to the villa, if she ran into You Haoze, she didn't know how to face him.

Besides, how could she not mind after he did something so embarrassing to her?

Even if she loves him again, she still resists his behavior in her heart.

After a pause, she added: "Jing Jing, don't tell President You, I live with you."

Rong Jing was puzzled: "Why should I tell that scumbag?"

After dinner, the two took a taxi back to Rong Jing's apartment.

After shopping for a long time and playing a few rounds of billiards, both of them were exhausted.

After taking a shower, they went back to their rooms and went to sleep.

Because, Rong Jing said that she is not used to sleeping with people on the same bed.

Lin Zitong also teased her, "Such a habit is not good, what will happen when you get married?"

Rong Jing curled her lips and replied, "Don't worry, my sexual orientation is normal."

After being stunned for a moment, Lin Zitong finally realized the meaning of this sentence.

Suddenly I can't laugh or cry.

"You woman, you are really dirty."

(End of this chapter)

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