Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 773 In my opinion, You Haoze is blind.

Chapter 773 In my opinion, You Haoze is blind.

If you dislike it, just dislike it, and look in front of her.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with my figure? You don't like it, but most men like it."

"Heh, heh, heh, it's only two or two ounces of meat, so I think You Haoze is blind."


This woman is so capricious. She is said to be extremely attractive for a while, and she is said to have a bad figure for a while.

And, okay, mention what that scumbag You Haoze is doing!
Isn't this adding salt to her wounds!
The two messed around in the living room until after ten o'clock, and then went back to their respective rooms to sleep.

This night, Lin Zitong still tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, and did not fall asleep until late at night.

Probably because of drinking red wine, I didn't have any more messy dreams after falling asleep.

In the morning, the sun shone on the Chuanjiang River through the light clouds, and there were golden waves on the river. Occasionally, a few waterfowls flitted across the river.

Lin Zitong woke up, rubbed his eyes, and looked at the alarm clock beside the bed.

Seven forty-five.

Fortunately, her disrupted biological clock has returned.

She got out of bed barefoot, pushed open the glass door, and walked to the balcony, a gust of fresh air rushed towards her face.

The apartment that Rong Jing bought is located on the fifth floor. It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room. It is beautifully decorated.

The surrounding environment and geographical location are very good. It faces the Chuanjiang River in the north. Standing on the balcony and blowing the river breeze, you can also look at the beautiful scenery of the Chuanjiang River.

Lin Zitong watched the river for a long time, and when he slowly looked away, he accidentally saw a familiar figure in the open space downstairs.

At first she thought she was dazzled, so she closed her eyes, then opened them again to take a closer look.

It was indeed You Haoze.

He was holding two breakfasts in his hand and was waving his hand at her.

Strange, how did he know she was here?

She immediately turned her head away, pretending not to see him, and continued to enjoy the scenery of the river as if nothing had happened.

However, after a while, she couldn't help turning her head again, and glanced in the direction where You Haoze was standing.

He seemed to have been waiting for her to turn around, and when she saw her looking over, he raised his phone and shook his phone at her.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious, he wants her to turn on the phone, and he wants to talk to her.

Too lazy to talk to him!
She turned and walked into the guest room.

This time, her mood became clear.

After all, he still cared about her very much, so everyone came here, and even brought her breakfast early in the morning.

Although I didn't eat that breakfast, I was already happy in my heart.

While brushing his teeth, Lin Zitong also hummed a song, which made Rong Jing feel puzzled for a while.

After washing up, she went back to the balcony of the guest room to take a look, and there was no longer You Haoze downstairs.

There was a sudden emptiness in my heart.

When it was over, my mood was easily controlled by him.

She regretted a little bit that she didn't turn on the phone just now, and she didn't know what he was going to tell her.

What is this?
It seemed that as long as he hooked his fingers, she would rush towards him.

Obviously, she had made up her mind not to talk to him anymore, and she was determined to get a divorce, so why did she still think about him?

Well, she admits that she is soft-hearted and too spineless.

I can afford it, but I can't let it go.

For breakfast, they simply made two servings of noodles in clear soup. After eating, Lin Zitong and Rong Jing went shopping and played billiards.

To be honest, going shopping and playing billiards every day is boring to death!

Another day went by like this.

On the morning of the fourth day at Rong Jing's house, while Lin Zitong was brushing her teeth, she suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the living room, so she poked her head towards the living room.

what the hell!

Looking from her angle, she saw two people kissing fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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