Chapter 774 Who called the breakfast?

Coming so early in the morning, she was totally unprepared.

The toothbrushing cup in her hand fell to the ground with a 'boom' sound, splashing water all over her slippers.

She was so surprised that she swallowed the foam of toothpaste in her mouth and choked twice.

I couldn't help drawing a circle in my heart for my weak self.

Fortunately, he didn't hit his foot.

Fortunately, the toothbrushing cup is not glass and it is not broken.

The two people in the hall heard the movement, came to their senses, and looked towards Lin Zitong.

"Then what, I didn't see anything, you continue."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Zitong wanted to bite off his tongue, because there is no silver 300 taels here.

Xiao Zifeng's reaction was more excited than Lin Zitong's just now, and his voice changed: "Zitong, why are you here?"

So embarrassing, is there anything? !
Rong Jing was very calm: "I forgot to tell you, Zi Tong lives here these days."

"Ah, you didn't say it earlier, I only bought one for breakfast."

"That's not easy, you go and buy another copy."

"No need, Zifeng has to go to work later, I'll just cook the noodles myself later."

Lin Zitong bent down to pick up the toothbrushing cup as if nothing had happened, rinsed it, filled it with water, and continued to brush his teeth.

But my heart feels like ten thousand alpacas are galloping past, and I can't be calm for a long time.

When did these two get together?

Why is there no clue at all.

While brushing her teeth, she turned her mind quickly, and it seemed that there were no clues at all.

Thinking back carefully, she noticed something was wrong when she was in the coffee shop a few days ago.

No wonder Xiao Zifeng looked fondly at Rong Jing.

No wonder Xiao Zifeng and Rong Jing were sitting side by side at that moment, their words and deeds were ambiguous.

No wonder Rong Jing checked Xiao Zifeng's phone call.

No wonder Xiao Zifeng told Rong Jing about her infertility immediately after she turned around.

No wonder Rong Jing didn't mind drinking Xiao Zifeng's leftover coffee.

It turned out that the two were a couple.

She should have guessed it.

After brushing his teeth, Lin Zitong took a mop to mop the floor, and just after wiping off the water stains on the floor, he heard the doorbell ring.

One sound, one sound, not in a hurry.

Hearing the doorbell, Rong Jing ran out of the kitchen first.

She looked through the cat's eyes and saw the delivery boy standing at the door with two breakfasts in his hands.

After being stunned for a moment, she opened the door and heard the delivery man say.

"Hello, Miss Rong! Here are your two breakfasts, please sign for it!"

Rong Jing took the breakfast, closed the door, and yelled into the kitchen: "Zifeng, you don't need to cook noodles anymore, you can turn off the fire."

Only then did Lin Zitong realize that the two of them were in the kitchen just now, and they were cooking noodles.

Xiao Zifeng came out of the kitchen and met Lin Zitong in the living room.

Thinking of the previous incident, both of them felt hot and felt a little uncomfortable.

It feels so strange.

However, Rong Jing acted like a normal person, casually asked, "Who ordered breakfast?"

Xiao Zifeng shook his head: "It's not me."

Lin Zitong also shook his head: "I don't remember the exact address of your home."

The three looked at each other.

That's strange, who delivered these two breakfasts?

"It doesn't matter who gave it to him, just take it and eat it."

Rong Jing was a little careless, she opened the box as she spoke, and a strong smell of food filled her nostrils.

Just smelling the aroma makes me hungry.

The two breakfasts were opened together, and the food inside was different.

One is eggs, fried dumplings, crab roe buns, and freshly squeezed corn juice.

One is mincemeat pancakes, chicken drumsticks, donuts, and freshly squeezed cucumber juice.

(End of this chapter)

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