Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 790 Don't look at me that way.

Chapter 790 Don't look at me that way.

The terms on the divorce agreement simply listed a few items. The two had no children, and there were no disputes over property or debts. She was willing to leave the house without leaving the house.

As long as the marriage can be divorced, she can give up the company, property, and stocks.

It doesn't matter if you call her stupid or crazy, she just wants to be free.

When I see You Haoze at night, I must have a showdown with him and ask him to sign the divorce agreement.

Today, no matter what, she will persuade him to agree to divorce her. She doesn't want to live tied to him anymore.

Put away the divorce agreement and stuff it back into the bag again, tears blinded my eyes again.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Instead of suffering for a long time in the future, it is better to take this opportunity to break the relationship with a sword, and there will be no worries from now on.

But how could she persuade him to divorce?
Or, this anonymous email was just the right moment.

When You Haoze came back, it was already dark.

Lin Zitong was wearing a long purple dress and was lying on the sofa watching TV.

He put down his briefcase, took off his suit jacket, threw it on the sofa, and went into the bathroom.

When he came out in his nightgown after taking a shower, he saw the woman sitting on the sofa turning her head to look at him with a slight smile on her face, but there was no smile in her eyes at all.

He faintly felt that something was wrong.

Frowning calmly, he walked straight towards her and sat down on the sofa beside her.

He gently picked her up and pulled her into his arms. She neither struggled nor resisted.

She was motionless, as stiff as a soulless shell, let him hold her, without any warmth in her body.

He bowed his head, kissed her gently as usual, and kept her face away, thinking that this would arouse her response.

But she pursed her lips tightly, like a clay sculpture.

He tried for a while, and finally let go of her, and slowly shook, lifted her hand.

Although it was the end of August, her palms were icy cold.

After holding it for a long time, his hand was infected by her coldness, and the temperature gradually cooled down.

"what happened again?"

She raised her eyes and smiled at him, with a hint of coldness in her smile.

The look in the man's black eyes became a little dark: "Why did I make you unhappy? Tell me, don't look at me like that."

She looked at him for a long time, and asked gently.

"Hao Ze, do you have anything to confess to me?"

He let go of her hand silently, with a trace of confusion in his expression.

"No, what's wrong?"

His wife was obviously smiling, but that smile had no warmth at all, You Haoze couldn't help but feel the cold wind blowing.

"Is life too boring? How about it, you will go back to the crew to shoot that drama in two days."

Mentioning this incident, Lin Zitong's heart burst into an unknown fire.

She laughed out loud, and the corners of her mouth curled up mockingly: "Mr. You, how old are you? You know, you give me the feeling that a child is playing house. You take pictures when you are happy, and take pictures when you are not." If you don’t shoot, have you thought about the consequences?”

"Consequences?" He raised his eyebrows, his tone was calm, but he couldn't hide the disdain and contempt in his words: "It's nothing more than losing some money, do you think I care?"

Lose some money?Why did he speak so lightly?
Nearly half of the filming of such a huge costume drama with a super luxurious lineup cost at least two or three hundred million yuan.

In his eyes, it was just a loss of money?
She lowered her eyes and breathed calmly, her tone was self-deprecating: "You don't care, but there are many people who care."

"So, I agreed to continue filming it."

A security door was installed but the things in the house were still stolen.

I asked the anti-theft door manufacturer what happened.

The boss asked, "Is the door still there?"


"The anti-theft door, as the name suggests, means that the door cannot be stolen. Do you have anything else to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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