Chapter 791 Farting, I can do anything.

As if a fuse had been ignited, she angrily said, "Who knows if you'll change your mind midway? Mr. You, your credibility has been ruined with me!"

"Wife, can you be reasonable?" There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his temper was very good: "I have always disapproved of you taking over the filming of this drama. I have repeatedly advised you not to film, and I will not pay the liquidated damages." It's ready for you, but you insist on taking it yourself. What can I do?"

"Hehe, it's as if you respect me!" Her eyes suddenly turned gloomy, and her words were sarcasm: "Mr. You, do you use this trick on all women, even coaxing and cheating?"

If it still can't be heard that this woman is finding fault on purpose, then he, You Haoze, is definitely an idiot.

"What did I do wrong again? You want you to interrogate me like this?"

She lowered her eyes and said coldly: "You understand in your heart, why do you need me to say it."

The gaze that Zhuo Zhuo had stared at her just now withdrew his sharpness, and his face was serious: "What do I understand? Wife, what's wrong with you?"

She wanted to get angry but didn't have the mood to quarrel with him, so she said angrily: "Mr. You, let's get a divorce!"

It didn't sound like a joke at all.

After finishing speaking, she took out a divorce agreement from her bag and threw it in his hands.

You Haoze looked at the divorce agreement in his hand with a confused face, why did he only leave for a few hours, and everything changed when he came back?
His face turned dark. He didn't read a word of the terms on the paper, but looked at her in astonishment.

"What do you mean?"

Looking at him with gloomy eyes, Lin Zitong's face darkened: "Can't read Chinese characters? This is the divorce agreement. I want to divorce you!"

She repeatedly mentioned the word 'divorce', like a needle piercing his heart, causing his heart to throb suddenly.

In those black eyes, there was a deep disappointment that could not be hidden, and a heavy expression appeared on his face.

A depressing and dull atmosphere filled the entire space.

Bitter in his heart, he tried his best to get rid of this uncomfortable feeling.

After a long silence, he suddenly said softly: "Recently, I have a lot of things to do, and I am so busy every day. Can you be considerate and considerate of me, and don't make trouble for me? I promised you to continue filming that drama, don't keep getting divorced." Can you keep it on your lips?"

The man said these words in a low voice, his tone was almost pleading, which made people feel distressed.

She felt a pain in her heart, she really wanted to hug him and cry, and pour out all the pent-up in her heart.

However, no.

Trying her best to suppress the feeling of heartache, she pretended not to hear it, but her bitter face had already betrayed her heart.

She is a good actress, with amazing and superb acting skills, but she has never been good at hiding her emotions in front of him.

A thought popped up in my heart, and I couldn't hold it back.

She would rather not make this drama, but she must get a divorce. She can't do it now, and she can't do it in the future.

In the face of cruel reality, she had to lower her proud head.

"Mr. You, we are not worthy."

"Fart, I'm versatile."

His words are very classic.

Hearing what he said, she couldn't help sneering.

He couldn't help frowning: "Is this sentence funny?"

"Yeah, you are versatile, you can have sex with anyone!"

His face instantly froze into ice rocks, straightened his back and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Who did I mess with?"

She clearly saw his eyes bursting with angry flames. "You don't?"

"What is it, tell me clearly! Don't wrong me again and again!"

(End of this chapter)

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