Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 792 He has scheming skills and is born a great conspirator.

Chapter 792 He has scheming skills and is born a great conspirator.

Lin Zitong's body was stiff, and he met his sinister eyes: "Please explain to me, what's going on with the photos and videos in this anonymous email?"

As she spoke, she handed him her mobile phone.

At this point, she didn't need to hide it, let alone pretend she didn't know.

You Haoze took the phone, not knowing what was in the cloud for a while, and looked at those photos and videos blankly.

Silence equals approval.

His reaction made her extremely disappointed.

The heat of the body was lost bit by bit, leaving only a cold body.

There was pain and sadness in her eyes, and she forced her to ask: "Explain! I'm waiting for you to explain! Don't make up some magnificent excuses for me."

You Haoze's black eyes suddenly became deep, and he sighed helplessly: "Let me take it easy, I haven't figured out what's going on for a while."

His complicated and incomprehensible eyes pierced another thorn in her heart.

There was a sharp pain in her heart, she suppressed the pain in her heart, and smiled at him: "I can't answer it, can I?"

He shook his head slightly.

"It's fine if you and Xin Ying don't know each other well. After all, you used to be boyfriend and girlfriend, and it's normal for the old relationship to rekindle. But now, you and Jin Yan are talking like this again. She is your secretary. Or your love,, person?

Why did you suddenly send me flowers and earrings again today?You got wind of it, and you can't hide the matter?Guilty?Make up for it?
When you make a mistake, you want to give me something?Your silence has betrayed yourself. "

The saddest thing was not yelling, but the pain was so deep that you couldn't breathe, You Haoze's hands trembled and he couldn't even take a breath.

"Am I that unbearable in your mind?"

That face, as stern as a knife, twitched slightly.

"I only have you in my heart. Apart from you, there is no other woman who has given me so much trouble. I don't know, but I don't know. Do you really want me to say something nice to lie to you?"

Seeing his distraught appearance, after all, she still couldn't bear to press him any further.

"You don't have to try your best to hide something from me, and you don't have to make up stories for yourself!"

"If I deliberately deceive someone, that person will never want to know for the rest of his life."

That's right, he has scheming skills and is a great conspirator by nature.

"I haven't deliberately concealed anything from you all this time, it's you who always like to dig into the horns."

"You didn't tell me yourself. If you have anything to ask, just ask?!"

"I really don't know why there is this video, and I don't know how to explain the photo to you."

"I won't explain, will you? Let me tell you, Jin Yan invited me to dinner at Weijia Restaurant and told me many things. She said you wouldn't let her resign, and she showed me the Leica you gave her. Camera. She also said a lot about you personally."

Her eyes looked at him like an arrow from the string. Although his expression changed, he did not show any denial.

The depression and grievance accumulated in her heart were like a volcanic eruption: "Mr. You, she is just your subordinate. Is your secretary so simple?"

"Otherwise, how complicated can it be? Did you see it with your own eyes or heard it with your own ears? With a few words, a few photos, and a video, are you going to convict me? So sure what I did with her ?"

You Haoze looked at her with a somewhat sad sneer, with heartache in his eyes.

"I kept Jin Yan and didn't let her resign, just to use Jin Yan to stimulate you."

(End of this chapter)

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