Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 793 I love you, I have been trying to love you.

Chapter 793 I love you, I have been trying to love you.

"I like to see you worry about me, and I like you to be jealous of me. I want you to run on her, and then, you will be my secretary.

You are all in my eyes and in my heart.

Can you stop doubting my sincerity, and stop asking me unanswerable questions! "

It turned out that his idea was so simple.

An unspeakable bitterness suddenly hit her heart, she shook her head lightly: "Are you really not having an affair with Jin Yan?"

He lowered his voice, but couldn't hide Kuang Biao's anger, and said like an oath: "If there is, let me die in this life."

These words pierced her heart like a sharp knife, making her completely out of control.

The last trace of nostalgia for him was torn to pieces, and she once again experienced the feeling of despair.

Just let her bear all the pain alone, and let him enjoy the joy of being a father.

She felt pain in her heart, held back the tears that were about to burst into her eyes, and spoke coldly and decisively.

"Mr. You, let's get a divorce. I don't want you to tell me you love me while stealing back and forth with other women behind my back."

"What about you? Zhong Shaoqing and you were on a love show, and you two were flirting with each other while filming. Did I say anything? You and Li Xinyou are hugging each other, and I just watched!"

He stood there motionless and looked at her, without any vigor and sharpness at all, only the loss and helplessness of being hurt.

"I really don't have the relationship you think with Jin Yan. That night with Xin Ying was just an accident. I love you, and I've been trying to love you. Until now, don't you feel my feelings for you? You really don't understand, I only want you among the women in this world. I have never looked at them except you. "

These words, perhaps he said to himself.

She looked blank, as if she didn't seem to listen to a word he said.

After experiencing those deceptions and hurts, her heart will no longer be the same as before. The mistakes she made have already doomed her and him to have no way back.

Although the two are close to each other, they seem to be thousands of miles away, so far that she despairs.

"Really? Do you think I'm blind or stupid? The fact is right in front of you. Xin Ying's baby is already moving. Can't you be a good father?
Mr. You, I'm tired and I don't want to live with you anymore, please let me go. "

At some point, her tears welled up silently and dripped down her cheeks.

The window was wide open, and the sea breeze outside the window kept blowing in, shaking the curtains, bringing a burst of refreshing coolness.

However, You Haoze was frantic for a while.

His handsome face was a bit haggard, and his black eyes were like two pools of deep water, revealing a bit of suppressed anger.

He couldn't figure out why she couldn't understand a word after explaining so much to himself.

Only after his head was kicked by a donkey did he believe that it was because of the photos and videos of himself and Jin Yan.

very good!

He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes flickering with angry flames: "Do you want to divorce me because of him?"

Seeing his angry appearance, she gradually understood that he was angry for Zhong Shaoqing.

Her reddish eyes were deep: "It has nothing to do with Zhong Shaoqing, I am disappointed in you. I don't know how many women you have outside! I don't know how many things you still have to hide from me!"

Hearing Zhong Shaoqing's name mentioned in her mouth, and frankly admitting it, You Haoze felt a pain in his heart.

She repeatedly quarreled with him because of Zhong Shaoqing.

The two are clearly close at hand, but their hearts seem to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

(End of this chapter)

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