Chapter 794 Do you want a divorce?dream!
At that moment, he felt that his heart was covered with barren weeds, growing crazily and covering the sky.

"Why? I love you so much, but you don't cherish my feelings, don't believe in my loyalty to you, and are even more unwilling to open up to me!

Could it be that I have cared for you in every possible way and doted on you in every possible way, but I still can't compare to his position in your heart?In your heart, am I really inferior to him? "

Lin Zitong froze for a moment, obviously he misunderstood.

Recently, he has been working on the company's affairs, and he has lost a lot of weight.

After these few days of separation, he became haggard again.

Seeing the infinite pain in his deep black eyes, she didn't know why, and there was a subtle pain in her heart.

She knew that he, You Haoze, was the only one she loved in her heart, and she had always loved him only, and had never changed.

She knew it was a play, but she still wanted to continue acting.

The numb feeling went deep into her blood and bone marrow.

The sea breeze blew past, causing her body to feel chilly, and tears silently rolled down her cheeks.

"Now I just want to divorce, and I don't want to talk about anything else."

Gritting her teeth hard, she took out a divorce agreement from her bag: "Sign it."

In the past, no matter how the two divorced verbally, no one really cared about it in their hearts, because they all knew that it was just a moment of anger.

However, as soon as this divorce agreement appeared, people could no longer ignore the seriousness of this problem.

Anger arose in his heart, and only for a moment, the man's whole body was filled with icy ambition, and a terrifying aura was lurking in his black eyes.

"Lin Zitong, don't challenge my bottom line again and again!"

Showing weakness, domineering behavior.

As she expected, You Haoze completely tore the agreement to pieces.

The windows were wide open, and the wind on the top floor was strong, and scraps of paper danced with the wind, making the scene comparable to snow.

"Just tear it up, I still have a backup."

I have to be thankful that she has the foresight and has prepared several copies.

The pain in his black eyes poured out, and he laughed wildly: "How many copies do you have, I will tear up a few."

"Mr. You, are you so interesting? I don't want to live with you anymore, why are you doing this!"

Lin Zitong took out another divorce agreement, succinctly saying: "Sign!"

"Do you have to force me like this?" His body trembled slightly, and he felt extremely flustered, feeling a feeling of oppression and almost suffocation.

"I beg you, sign it."

Her tears couldn't help falling, and she couldn't say anything else except this sentence.

"I can't sign it."

As soon as the words fell, You Haoze tore the second divorce agreement to pieces.

The black and white words were torn into strands of pieces in an instant, and when the sea breeze blew, they turned into shreds of paper all over the sky, falling into a mess.

Like his heart, broken into pieces.

"You Haoze, we're all in this mess, give each a way out, don't hurt both of us."

Hearing this, the man showed confusion and pain on his expression.

"Honey, don't want me, I really can't live without you! As long as you don't ask for a divorce, no matter what you ask, I will promise you!"

"What if I just want a divorce?"

Seeing her come up with a third divorce agreement, You Haoze was extremely agitated, his eyes were burning with anger, and his handsome face was more cruel and sharp.

"Lin Zitong, why have you turned into a hedgehog again? I really hate you for being like this! A few days ago, I made a vow to live a good life with me, and I changed my mind just a few days ago! Like you Capricious women, I've had enough."

She pushed back sharply: "It's okay to hate it, can you divorce me?"

"You want a divorce? Dreaming!"

(End of this chapter)

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