Chapter 894 President of You Group?

"Every time I see that other pregnant women are accompanied by men, but I am alone, I feel very uncomfortable.

The way those pregnant women look at me is like looking at a grieving woman in a boudoir.

Especially the obstetrician and gynecologist looked at me with that kind of extremely pitiful eyes, feeling too uncomfortable. "

In fact, this time, Xin Ying was still mentally prepared to be rejected by You Haoze. Anyway, she has been rejected many times, and she has long been used to being rejected.

However, she secretly expected that the result would be different this time.

The tone of contact with him was so kind to her just now, but she still inevitably had a little expectation deep in her heart.

After all, You Haoze and Lin Zitong have already divorced, so he should not avoid her like the plague like before.

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, You Haoze asked, "Which hospital?"

Did he agree?

There was a wave of ecstasy in Xin Ying's heart, and she was very excited: "I have been doing checkups at the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital. If you want to go to the Municipal Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, you can also."

She clearly remembered that he told her that he had acquaintances in the City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Compromising attitude, the words are full of humble prayers.

Lin Zitong sincerely does not bully her, You Haoze is a man who takes soft things but not tough ones.

To gain his favor, showing weakness is a must.

If you can't put down your dignity, face and stubbornness in front of him, then you can't really get his love.

You Haoze thought for a while, and replied: "Just the hospital you mentioned, it is also close to You's Group. When you are about to arrive at the hospital, call me again, I still have things to do."

"it is good."

Xin Ying wanted him to drive to pick her up, but couldn't say anything.

Forget it, let's go step by step.

It is very rare that he is willing to accompany him to go to the prenatal checkup.

Xin Ying called the driver Uncle Zhong, followed You Haoze's wishes, and only called him when the car was about to arrive at the Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

"Ze, I'm almost there."

"Okay, you go to the queue to register first, I'll be right there."

Xin Ying was puzzled, why did You Haoze become so talkative?

But then, she became a little depressed.

Sitting in the lobby corridor outside the gynecology clinic, she waited and waited, she waited for nearly an hour before You Haoze arrived late.

"Have you waited long? There was a traffic jam on the way here."

It was rare for You Haoze to explain something to her.

Oh, yes, there is a traffic jam on the road.

In addition, after he hung up the phone at that time, he insisted on reading and signing the report in his hand before taking the car keys and going out.

Xin Ying's face was calm, and she harbored grievances in her heart and dared not show it.

Just now, seeing him not coming for a long time, thinking that he let her pigeons go, I had to register by myself.

There are a lot of people waiting right now, and there are still a few in line ahead.

You Haoze sat with Xin Ying in the waiting hall.

Many people around cast their attention on the two of them.

The young couple in front of them, both male and female, have the same appearance as the celebrity couples on TV.

Especially the man in the suit and leather shoes, with a dignified temperament, looks young but has a kind of indifference accumulated over time.

This man looks very familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere?

You Haoze sat there bored and overheard other people's whispers.

【Hey, isn't that the president of You Group? 】

[President of You Group?who? 】

[It is the husband of the current popular female star Lin Zitong, the second female lead in "Marry Love".By the way, her name is Bi Cairu in the play. 】

(End of this chapter)

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