Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 895 Is This The Father Of The Child?

Chapter 895 Is This The Father Of The Child?
【Oh, you said that, I remembered.Then the one next to him is Lin Zitong? 】

[It's a bit like it, but it shouldn't be. 】

You Haoze felt irritated for a while, raised his eyes, and swept over with a sharp cold gaze.

Like a cold wave.

Those who talked around immediately shut up.

Swept by his sharp eyes like a knife, those people felt as if their faces had been scraped by a knife, and it hurt.

No one dared to look at him anymore.

Sitting at the side, Xin Ying sensed his impatience and comforted him in a low voice: "Ah Ze, it's my turn to have one more."

You Haoze's expression changed from unruly to impatient, and his voice was low and low: "In the future, you can go to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital for an obstetric examination. I have acquaintances there, so there is no need to queue."

"No, I'm used to queuing by myself."

When she said this, her tone was infinitely sad, and he didn't force her.

After a while, she asked cautiously, "Ah Ze, can I take a photo of the two of us together?"


With his permission, Xin Ying took out her phone and switched it to camera mode.

You Haoze was very cooperative, showing a charming smile to the camera, and his eyes were sparkling.

His face also changed too quickly, sometimes irritable, and sometimes smiling.

After taking the photo, I heard Xin Ying's name called on the radio.

You Haoze accompanied Xin Ying into the gynecology clinic.

Director Jiang pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked at the man in front of him: "Is this the father of the child?"

Xin Ying smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Director Jiang couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "This child has really good genes!"

A bright smile bloomed on Xin Ying's face, that smile came from the heart, it was a very pure smile.

Next, Xin Ying took the list issued by Director Jiang to do multiple inspections.

Accompanied by such a good-looking man, she earned enough envious looks every time she did an examination, and today she finally felt proud.

As a result, during the B time-out, the doctor asked Xin Ying to come back later because the bladder was empty.

Because she sent an email to Lin Zitong in the name of going to the toilet.

If you don't pee, just drink more water.

However, the thermos she brought was empty.

"Ah Ze, I'll go to the boiling water room and pour some boiling water. When it's my turn next time, you can talk to the nurse."

"Give me the thermos, I'll pour it for you, you sit here and wait for me."

"Thank you."

You Haoze walked towards the boiling water room with a thermos, and Xin Ying immediately followed.

The man stopped in his tracks, turned his head and glared at her, she blinked mischievously, and smiled at him.

So, he acquiesced to let her follow.

In the boiling water room, a young girl was filling hot water. Because she was obsessed with You Haoze's unbelievable looks, she was scalded by the boiling water when she peeked at him.

You Haoze kindly reminded the girl to wash it in cold water to prevent foaming.

Xin Ying took a picture of this scene, and You Haoze saw her taking pictures, but did not stop her.

After Xin Ying finished the B-ultrasound, the two returned to the gynecology clinic together.

After reading the test results, Director Jiang said with a smile: "The fetus is developing well, there is nothing wrong with it, pay attention to the balanced nutrition, and the pregnant woman must maintain a happy mood."

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Jiang."

People are greedy and will not be satisfied. Once they get this, they will want more.

Coming out of the hospital, Xin Ying said pitifully that she was hungry and asked You Haoze to accompany her for dinner.

Unexpectedly, You Haoze readily agreed.

Xin Ying found a luxurious and high-end restaurant, called to book a VIP room, and ordered a candlelight dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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