Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 906 Xin Ying dare not let her parents know.

Chapter 906 Xin Ying dare not let her parents know.

What he did yesterday was just to block Lin Zitong's way out, for fear that Lin Zitong would go back on his word.

Originally, it was Lin Zitong who was willing to give You Haoze to her, and she just did things according to Lin Zitong's wishes.

Be careful not to be too obnoxious.

If you really tell your parents about You Haoze slapping her, it will intensify the conflict between You Haoze and your parents, and it will not do her any good.

She still wants to be with You Haoze, so she won't be so stupid as to destroy his image in the hearts of her parents.

Even, she has never dared to let her parents know that the child in her belly belongs to You Haoze.

When she was first pregnant, she had a flat stomach, so she hid it from her parents, not daring to let them know that she was pregnant out of wedlock.

Because You Haoze hadn't divorced at that time, he and Lin Zitong had a good relationship.

At that time, she didn't dare to say it, and she couldn't say it.

Later, as time passed, her belly grew bigger day by day.

However, You Haoze's attitude towards her has always been indifferent, and he has no intention of being responsible.

Not to mention asking him to divorce and marry her.

When she was more than three months pregnant, Xin Ying still didn't dare to let her parents know.

In order not to let her parents see the clues, she lived in her own personal mansion for a long time, and almost never went back to the Xin family's old house.

She was afraid that her parents would ask her who the child was if they knew she was pregnant.

Don't let her parents know that she is pregnant with You Haoze's child.

She was afraid that her parents would make trouble for You Haoze, and she was afraid that You Haoze would anger her because of this.

The child is what she wants to keep.

She always brags in front of Lin Zitong, saying that You Haoze loves this child very much and treats her very well.

Haha, in fact, everything is just deceiving herself.

You Haoze doesn't like this child, and doesn't pay much attention to this child. He doesn't even want the child to come into this world.

It was she who was cheeky and determined to give birth to the child no matter what.

She comforted herself that it would be fine when the child was born.

At that time, everything will change.

As long as the child's DNA is verified after the birth and it is confirmed to be You Haoze's, it is impossible for him to deny the child.

With his self-cultivation, bearing and sense of responsibility, he will definitely want this child.

If he wanted a child, he had to divorce Lin Zitong and marry her.

Before the child was born, she was afraid of angering You Haoze, afraid that he would force her to take away the child in a fit of anger.

At first, she thought about using this child to tie You Haoze.

But You Haoze made it clear to her that even if she gave birth to this child, nothing would change, so don't try to threaten him with the child.

She was a little sad at the time, but never wanted to knock him off.

Then, as the days went by, she felt more and more the child growing inside her.

When she felt the fetal movement for the first time, she was so happy that she wanted to cry.

She loved the child more than she loved herself.

However, as the pregnancy month increased, the belly began to show, and she couldn't hide it.

Quan Fangzi, a mother who has had pregnancy experience, has seen the clues.

Xin Ying had to admit that she was pregnant.

As expected, her parents kept asking her, who is the father of the child?
She gritted her teeth and faced the interrogation by her parents, but she didn't confess You Haoze.

He just lied that he was drunk one day and slept with a man in a daze, only to wake up in the morning and the man ran away.

She didn't know whose child it was.

Now, Xin Ying really made her mother Quan Fangzi and her father Xin Jun very angry.

Of course, what annoyed them most was that bastard man!

(End of this chapter)

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